Mar 21, 2007

Thanks, Stila.

There are quite a few things on my list of things to do tonight: Laundry, cleaning up the apartment, watering my plants, packing, gym, etc. I'm going out of town tomorrow and feel the pressure of getting things together so that I can leave straight from work. This being said... I decided that it was time to go shopping after getting home from work. I needed lip gloss. Not just lip gloss, but the perfect lip gloss. (I had a rough day at work. Bad days make me want to shop. We've talked about my therapy before)

My favorites are among the Stila Lip Glaze collection. My latest favorites have been Vanilla and Guava, but the last two Sephora stores that I have gone to have been out... I was looking for something pink, but not too pink- just enough to be girlie, but not enough to look like Barbie. Anyway- I think I found a winner in "Fruit Punch". I'm satisfied, and really, feel quite a bit better after a rather rough day.

Sorry for the shallow post. Sometimes finding the right lip gloss makes the day. I have a lot of seemingly heavy things on my mind today. Lip gloss is a decent diversion.

PS- Does anyone use Fresh Eau Du Parfum? I especially love the Sugar scents, but for this month... probably not in the budget.


Missy said...

Ooh, good luck on your trip! My sister-in-law bought me Vanilla Stila and I've loved it. I have a hard time with lip gloss b/c while I love IT, I hate sticky lips. You know? Or is it just me. That's why I love that Bigelow stuff that Kelli likes that my good friend in DC got me.

Never tried Fresh. Let us know how it is...AND I hope this weekend treats you better than today.

Unknown said...

I'm a huge fan of Fresh. I've never done the perfume, but I love their lotion, body wash, shampoo and conditioner. XV Beacon in Boston uses it as their toiletries. Not a bad deal when Brad used to work there!

Mmm. I'm a lipgloss person. I'm with Missy though and cannot handle it too gooey. I used to stick to Juicy Tubes, then did CO Bigelow and have tried Origins. I'll have to give Stilla a try next time I'm in the market.

Heavy things on the mind? I hope not too heavy. Maybe deep, but survivable? I hope so!

k. said...

I don't like sticky (or goopy) lip gloss either. I really love MAC products (especially the lip glass), but let's just say that Mike refuses to kiss me when I'm wearing it.:) Stila isn't terribly high on the goop factor, but it certainly stays on better (i.e., it's goopy...) than the Bigelow stuff (which I also love, by the way). It's good for when you NEED something to stay - e.g., fancy things, etc. Kelli- I used to use Juicy Tubes, too. I don't know why I stopped... I think it was the MAC/Stila discovery. (And, side note- out of my "top three"- MAC is the bargain out of the bunch. Stila is on the pricey side). I've never tried Origins. I should.

I should probably get ready for work instead of discussing lip gloss.:)

Unknown said...

trying all the methods of communication: scg can do our take out order if we place it by 5 and pick it up by 5:30. they have a large party coming in. let me know if this works (to get together an hour earlier than planned). otherwise, we'll find something else. happy travels. :)