Mar 26, 2007

Utah... fer rils.

Mike went out to Utah last Tuesday and I followed on Thursday. It was a great trip. Photo highlights below (we flew in on the red eye this morning and spent most of the day at a funeral. I'm tired).

We don't see this very often. It was surprisingly refreshing (even though this area smells like cows much of the time).

Mapleton (near Grandma Whiting's home). It suddenly occurred to me that the Lamb & Rice dish I love eating from the cart on Wall Street is just that... lamb and rice. These were very cute little lambs... :/

Saturday night: Sundance for dinner @ The Foundry Grill. My favorite. Hudson was perfectly well behaved (almost as good as when my sister and I were eating brunch together there last fall and someone complimented us on our child's behavior. Uhm, SISTERS.)

We've discovered that small children do not like me, but LOVE Mike. This was the case with Hudson. They got along splendidly.

Example #2: Cole (Burgoyne). We had a fun night with Kelli and Brad.

Elizabeth, Kathryn & Joanna. We missed sister #4 (Tara), in addition to the newbies (sister in laws Erin & Kera).

My favorite place in Utah. I love Sundance.

We had a fun photo shoot with the Hudson girls.

On Friday, we walked around BYU's campus. It felt odd. My dad (being the rebel that he is) said, "Watch me!" and sprinted right across the grass. (Cougars don't cut corners, remember?)

The Whiting siblings (Dave, Dan, Cara & Mike) visited Grandma Grow Sunday afternoon.
Mike & Ryan made it up to Snowbird a few times.

We ate yummy cheeseburgers at Brand X in Springville (a Whiting family favorite) with Mom & Dad Hudson, Dave Whiting and Elizabeth (Hudson), Ryan and Hudson Holdaway.

We dreamt of climbing Timp.

I met my friend Bret for breakfast at Einstein's. It was fun to catch up. I miss that place (I had a whole wheat bagel with mushrooms and spinach).

One more with Dad.

Other fun things we did: Shopping at Nordstrom, eating breakfast at Magleby's Fresh, having a mini-Whiting family reunion (also known as Sunday dinner at Aunt Gail's house in Mapleton) and playing Wii (Mike, clearly) for hours. Fun times.


Missy said...

I missed your blogging. I'm glad you're back. Though it looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I'm jealous you got to see Cole and Kelli.

Unknown said...

Kathryn, Cole loved you. And he loves his monkey. I checked on him last night and he was using it as his pillow. (He's not too into snuggling. That means a lot!)

Looks like your trip was great. I LOVE Sundance and I LOVE Foundry Grill. Lucky you! I'm sure it feels good to be back, though.

All the sister pictures are beautiful. :)

k. said...

Missy, I mentioned to Kelli that when I am way, I miss my "blog friends". :) Wouldn't it be fun if we all lived... somewhere close?I'm happy to be back, too. You need to visit Cole, Brad and Kelli. They are good people (hint, hint- Move to New York! We need good friends like you around)!

Kelli, I'm glad Cole likes the monkey. I gave my nephew one that was similar, and he snuggled with it too (they are very soft). However, recently, he has begun to use it as a weapon, hitting his brother and mom with it. Oh well. :)