Apr 3, 2007


I was making Mike a sandwich for lunch this morning when I asked him if he wanted mayonnaise on it (I hate mayonnaise). He said yes, he would like some "may-o-nayse". That is how he says it- "may-O-nayse". I think that I say "man-aise". Hmm.

Mike grew up on the east coast. He refers to my mothers sister (aunt) as my "ahh-nt". I have always thought of her as my "ANT", although she certainly does not look like an insect. The other week, the word "ahh-nt" almost came out of my mouth. It shocked me. This place is rubbing off on me... a bit.

Mike calls the state that contains Las Vegas "Ne-VAH-duh". I guess I call it "Nev-AA-dah". My sister lives in Portland, Oregon. I say "Or-e-gin". Mike says "Or-ee-gone".

Hmm. Who's right?


Heidi said...

As a resident of Nevada, I can clear up things concerning this one. Anyone here will laugh at the offender, know they are an "outsider", and be annoyed if they hear someone say Ne-VAH-duh. Completely wrong.

As for the other words, I don't really know if there is a right or a wrong.

Ben said...

As a neighbor but not resident of Nevada I have to agree with Heidi and say that Ne-VAH-duh is horribly wrong (sorry Mike). I might not have room to talk, since for me the Mexico of Washington (or Canada of California) is said or-i-gun.

k. said...

In Mike's defense (and all others who choose to say their words "funny"), I think it is simply a matter of upbrining & individual culture. East cost'ers tend to have "stuffy" accents (e.g. "ahh-nt"). It's not their fault, but I do like to make fun of Mike for it. I'm from the west coast (inland northwest, if we're being picky), so I like to think that I have the authority on how to pronounce "Oregon" and "Nevada". Mayonaise is a matter of opinion, but I suppose I shouldn't care since I don't really like it anyway!

Oh- and guess I say "organ" more than I say "or-e-gin". It's tough to get the specific phonetics right. (How do you spell fo-ne-tics?)

Missy said...

I'm with you on all of them Kathryn. Not necessarily "right" I guess, but the other way would make me stop and notice the difference.

Mike said...

You're all a bunch of hicks! MY homestate was founded as an English-speaking colony in 1636... tell me how long YOUR state has been speaking English and then we'll discuss who speaks it correctly!

Mike said...

what, no comeback???