Apr 25, 2007


I got a little homesick today.
Reason #1- The smell of fresh rain. When it rains in the city, it smells good, but it doesn't smell fresh, like the smell of being in the middle of a forest during a spring rain storm. This is what home smells like when it rains. I walked out of work tonight (in Greenwich, which basically counts as the "country") and it was starting to rain. The smell almost knocked me over. It smelled like home. I don't remember the last time I smelled fresh rain. I wish I could have sat outside for hours, or at least for a few minutes.... but no umbrella + white shirt = bad combination on a rainy night.
Reason #2- Huckleberries. I don't think too many people have ever actually had a huckleberry, but they are a staple in the Northwest, especially up around where our cabin is in Northern Idaho. My mom makes muffins, pies and pancakes, and the area stores sell milkshakes and ice cream. People hike far into the mountains to pick them during the season. My dad gave me a jar of huckleberry preserves a few months ago. I made a peanut butter and (huckleberry) jelly sandwich for dinner tonight and YUMMY... I love huckleberries. This jam was especially good, and tasted so fresh, even though I'm sure the berries were picked months ago. I miss Priest Lake (my 2nd home, but probably my real home nonetheless).


Jan said...

We haven't had rain here in awhile. I am waiting hard for the spring showers which will encourage my bulbs and flowers to bloom. We have some little bright purple star-like buds which started to open today and a few yellow and red tulips. The others are pushing their way up from the soil. By next week it should be lovely. I also got out the mower today and spent a few hours getting the yard in shape. It looks so very beautiful. I am grateful for the opportuity to work outside. It bouys my spirit. It is so wonderful to watch spring unfold. Today I had a very busy robin friend frantically pulling up worms ibn the back yard, as well as a very frisky squirrel who made a huge raquet as he bounded from tree to tree. It was fun to have the company.

Missy said...

Oh dear, rain + white shirt is bad.

I'm so sad that you miss home though. Will you be able to visit it {and your nieces and nephews} soon? Huckleberries sound good. I've never had one. What barely do they relate to?

k. said...

I'm sad too, but I do my very, very best not to think about it. Sometimes there isn't a whole lot I can do about it.

I'm hoping to go home this summer. No schedule yet, but I'm pushing for August. You would LOVE Priest Lake, Missy. Totally up your alley. Huckleberries... they are smaller than blueberries, less sweet and more tart (? maybe- I'm so abd at these things)... Hmm.

Unknown said...

It sounds like you need a little Priest Lake, Kathryn. It would be healing. And it always sounds so amazing. It's so hard to be away from family. I've lived it almost my entire "away from home" experience. Until now, of course. I hope you find some peace in it all.

Huckleberries sound yummy. And Greenwich sounds pretty.

and p.s. good thing you wear a bra and undershirt, right?!

Unknown said...

okay. and I have to share: when I first read the title of your post, I thought it said "acne." I'm glad you're {just} talking about homesickness. acne would make everything so much worse. :)

k. said...

Kelli, I read your comment this morning and laughed out loud! You're right- acne would make everything much, much worse. :)