Apr 25, 2007

Box #14

My mother told me that I needed to keep track of all of our boxes and their contents. Box #14 consists of shoes. All my shoes. They didn't all fit, so box #15 will have to be shoes as well, but it is getting late and I am finished packing for the day. Mike's shoes could probably fit in their own box, too, but it would likely be a "small" box. To be fair, I keep some of my shoes in their original boxes. They take up a lot of space. But this is a large UHaul box. Uh oh.

Speaking of shoes- I am going to miss living right next door to the nice shoe repair man I have been faithfully going to for the last 2 years. This morning I picked up four pairs of shoes that I had dropped off yesterday to be repaired. My favorite red pointy flats got a horrible scuff in them last Sunday (thanks to me kicking a curb while walking to the subway- the city is brutal on shoes) and they buffed it out & polished it for me. They look brand new. My other favorite flats (I have the same pair in three colors- green, red & brown) had to get new heels- I had worn through the rubber AND almost all the way through the wood on 2 pairs of them (red and brown- the green don't get worn quite as often). My favorite black flats that I've had for a little over a year- I had to have the ENTIRE sole replaced- heel to toe. The cost of getting them all fixed pales in comparison with replacement fees, so it's worth it. But still- someone needs to invent super shoes for NYC. Metal flats? Would that be cute?


Unknown said...

city living is all about shoe repair. I have memories of my parents dropping off their shoes on a regular basis when we lived in London. I think it's quaint and pretty cool. you'll find another shoe repair man. maybe you should take a picture before you go.

k. said...

That's good to know. At least I'm not a bad walker or something. It's so sad when my favorite shoes "die"...

I have loved my nice shoe repair man. He will even deliver them right to my apartment when he is finished. I will also miss Wong's Custom tailor that was right by Goldman (just a few blocks from our apartmetn). Mr. Wong has hemmed many, many pairs of paints for me.

Missy said...

Shoe repair is so foreign to me. How far will you be from these places or will you have to find a new shoe repair man and new seamster?

I love that your shoes took a LARGE uhaul box. Cracks me up. You should start a shoe blog.

k. said...

Missy, it was foregin to me, too! When I was packing up my shoes, I found some heels etc. that were "leftover" from college- meaning, shoes I hadn't really worn a lot since then, but knew that I wore quite a bit in school. Anyway- were they worn out? Not at all. Not even close. This place is brutal.

I will definitely find a new shoe man and a new tailor. The Upper East Side has lots of shops, restaurants, etc., so I imagine I can find something. Hopefully they are just as nice. :)