Apr 25, 2007

Choo. Choo.

This was my morning commute. It only took 2 1/2 hours for me to get to Greenwich this morning (insert sarcasm). Sigh.

Still... I have a good attitude. I'm not paid on an hourly wage, I have a blackberry, and I made huge progress in my book. What I love about New York City today: living here has allowed me to develop patience with those things that I simply cannot control e.g., long lines, traffic, delays, etc. It's actually quite liberating (although I do hope it's a bit easier tonight).


Heidi said...

Wow it definitely sounds like you have more patience than I do! A good thing to learn though

Mike said...

Keep in mind that I have been FORCED to learn this. Not something I have done by choice. :) (This is Kathryn, not Mike, by the way)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, now I understand. How thoughtful of you to incude further enlightenment for those of us who are unfamiliar with what train riders face now and then that is beyond their control. Thank goodness for a good book. Perhaps you need more than one on THOSE days. xoxoxoMom

Heidi said...

I hear you, but still, good you can find a silver lining in it all

k. said...

I suppose you're right Heidi. :) It would have been pretty easy for it to destroy my day today... But hey, at least my work day was an hour and a half shorter than it would have been otherwise. :)

Missy said...

2 1/2 hours? Were you late to work or did they understand? You are a trooper for sure. How much will your new house cut down on this?

k. said...

Yup... I was definitely late, but there was nothing I could do about it. They definitely understand- and my new job isn't the type where I have to be at my desk at 8:59. Nice people. My "normal" commute from Wall street should take an hour and 20 minutes (and it has, generally, with the exception of yesterday morning- last night it was an hour and 10 minutes- a record!). My new commute starting next Tuesday- probably just under an hour. Not so bad. A lot of people in Manhattan have a 45 minute commute (I did, our first year here), so it isn't so bad, all things considered.