My family has a "special" Happy Birthday song that we sing. I sang it for Mike a few times last night, and if it were recorded I would (attempt to) post it here. Here it goes:
Happy Birthday, have a, Happy Birthday
This is your day- to have a lot of fun (oh-well-a)
We're all waiting for the- celebration
For the cel-ebration to begin
Blow out the candles on the cake and make a wish
Serve everybody's favorite dish (favorite dish oh-well-a)
Happy Birthday, have a, Happy Birthday
This is your day
So Happy Birthday TO YOU!
I think we learned this at Aspen Grove family camp when I was about 2, and we've used it ever since (no substitutes). So today, for Mike, my dear sweet husband - Happy Birthday, Love! Don't worry, I'll sing it a few more times for you today (although we are missing my dad singing the "oh-well-a" part in a big deep voice).
Mike's favorite color is blue. He doesn't like to wear socks to bed, just like me (unless it is really cold). He never whines (like me), loves street food, and only has a few pairs of shoes he actually wears. He is absolutely meticulous about his ties, and hates to shop. He makes incredible quesadillas and loves loud music. He snowboards really fast. His laugh (his real, from the belly laugh) is absolutely contagious, as is his smile. He always pushes the subway turnstile to help me get through. He doesn't let me carry grocery bags, and gets mad at me when I do (it hurts my back). He always takes out the trash and cleans the bathroom. Mike may still love XBox, scary movies, and driving fast, but he is still sweet, patient, generous, thoughtful and s-m-a-r-t. As a whip, some might say. He is often silly, sometimes serious, but always kind. He is my best friend, and I have loved him since just about the moment I met him when he was 22 (I was 20). I'm happy that he was born 26 years ago, despite the fact that I missed the first 22. I'm hoping we're both around for the next 70.
On tap for tonight: We're going to Dos Caminos Park (Mike's favorite Mexican restaurant in the city) for dinner. I didn't make a cake, but I did make breakfast this morning (stuffed French toast with peaches and strawberries). That counts, right?
Happy Birthday, Michael. I love you!
Thank you Kathryn. It's days like today that remind me why I'm alive - you!
I always sing that song too! not many people know it. I learned it from one of my best friend growing up, McCall Richards, who also went to Aspen Grove with her family each year. I never realized that is where she learned it though.
Heidi- NO WAY! I don't believe it. I have always felt so... special! My parents will be heartbroken, really. It is a staple. My dad used to make us sing it when we were out for birthday dinners at restaurants, and I always felt so stupid. :) Oh well. I guess it's still special if there are only a handful of people who know and use it. How funny.
Definitely still special!
happy birthday mike! I keep learning more and more..
thanks for marrying my friend. :)
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