Apr 22, 2007

It has begun.

We sold our couch today. The guy picked it up this evening and now... well, lets just say that our apartment is a bit of a mess. And fairly empty. And with limited seating. I packed 6 boxes after church today and have taken most decorative things off the wall. Ryan (Mike's friend who is staying with us) is being a good sport. He & Mike spent a while playing XBox while sitting in folding chairs. He has been sleeping on an aerobed in our living room. Nice. We don't really have any food in the house, either, which means that dinner tonight consisted of all things frozen & pre-made. Trader Joe's Gnocchi (for the 8th time this month), Trader Joe's cheese tomato sauce, Trader Joe's salad in a bag, and Costco frozen veggies. Yum? Not tonight. We'll go grocery shopping after we move next week. Until then - we're going to wing it (and try to get rid of everything frozen in our freezer or fresh in our fridge).


Missy said...

Wow. Your place looks really cute though. I never really saw what it looked like to begin with. I'm excited to see the new one though.

Unknown said...


after moving, I always recommit to staying "small." Can you imagine packing a LARGE home? And don't you feel so clean and organized not having to throw away random junk when you're loading up the boxes?

I hope it all goes well. Her place was cute (Missy)..and I'm super excited to see all the new stuff in the new place.

k. said...

Hmm... I'll have to dig up some pictures. I thought it looked okay, if only a bit "cozy" (aka really, really small)