Apr 22, 2007

In the p.m.

Cipriani is just down the block from us. They hold ridiculous events there - from big concerts, to society weddings to what apparently tonight was a massive children's birthday party. Complete with a camel. Yes, a real, live camel. Hmm. I hope my kids are never so spoiled.

We went and met Kellie & Jason (our future neighbors on the UES - we can't wait!) for dinner and a movie. We ate at JG Mellon's on the Upper East Side (yummy hamburgers - and took advantage of the beautiful night and ate outside) and saw "The Lives of Others", a German film that won an Oscar for Best Foreign Language film. I got used to the subtitles quickly, and we really liked it, despite the slow start.

And finally- a perfect example of forced exercise in NYC. Some of the subway exits look like this. And sometimes the escalator is broken (like tonight). I try to take the stairs most of the time, but not stairs like this when I can avoid it.


Bret said...

I was hoping that Birthday Party was being filmed for the MTV show Sweet Sixteen. I love that show.

Heidi said...

Cute hair ;-)

I sometimes wish I had exercise forced on me

k. said...

Thanks, Heidi. :) That's my default (well, not quite as poofy) with my bangs that have been driving me crazy for the past few weeks. I can't get it cute like yours though (in that picture I commented on once).

Bret- I didn't see any cameras, but you never know... It was RIDICULOUS.