Apr 27, 2007

Junk food.

Mike and I do a pretty good job maintaining a healthy diet. I will not allow partially hydrogenated oil in our home. You couldn't find trans fat if you tried (okay - except in the Crisco I use once a year to make my mom's magical blueberry muffins). We eat our Kashi with organic milk and each drink a Nalgene or more of water a day. I like to think we are healthy.

Today, I want junk. Lots of junk. The past two nights I have gotten home and been STARVING. I have been craving the most terrible things for the last 72 hours. After the last month or so of eating red meat on only two occasions (hamburgers at Shake Shack and JG Mellon) all I've wanted the past 2 nights is a hamburger. Or apple pie (that is tonight). Chocolate chip cookies sound delicious. Or french fries, which I have always found so disgustingly horrific. I can't figure out what is wrong with me.

I told Mike tonight that I was going to go downstairs and buy some Resses Peanut Butter Cups from the vending machine in our building to see if they would do the trick and he responded with, "I don't want sugar! I want fat! And salt!" He's on his way to McDonald's (which has also always horrified me, especially since "Super Size Me"). Tonight - the Golden Arches is sounding pretty good.

Let's hope I get over this. Fast.

Oh- and I'm not pregnant. Promise.


Patrick&Kera said...

i love McDonalds. I loved super size me too. if anything, it made me like McDonalds more. my favorite is the double cheeseburger. why? because it's only 99 cents. why else? because it's a perfect precurser to any other meal. it fills you up just enough to help you enjoy your main meal even more.
maybe i'll start exercising. :(

Anonymous said...

Ha Kathryn...you are funny. What did you end up getting?

Mike said...

Mmmmm.... double cheeseburger...

Anonymous said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel. Sometimes the body needs something so badly it won't stop complaining until the itch is scratched. It NEEDS fat, and it also needs protein, iron, B12 etc. We crave foods where those things can be found. It's no accident. A peanut butter cup sounds like the perfect fix. BUT a Twinkie - NEVER!!!!!!!!! I think I would almost rather die than eat one of those things. :)

Heidi said...

I am not into fast food in general but everry once in a while I get a craving for McDonald's fries- so salty and fatty I know, it's bad, but it just creeps up!

k. said...

I ended up getting a cheeseburger and an apple pie. And Mike and I shared french fries. It definitely hit the spot, but later... I felt sick, just as I imagined I would. Fast food really is GROSS. It's basically non-food. I eat it probably once every 4 months. Nothing like chemically engineered food to fix a craving!