Apr 29, 2007

I scream, you scream (We both scream).

Speaking of junk food... Mike and I like ice cream. We don't eat it very often, but when we do, it tends to be straight-from-the-pint Haagen Dazs. Our traditional favorite has been Dulce de Leche but our new discovery last night is almost equally delicious (the verdict is still out): Haagen Dazs Chocolate Peanut Butter. It is rich, but oh so good. It may be highly caloric, but it makes me feel good that the ingredients list is very short (i.e., it doesn't contain anything processed or chemical)- Cream, Skim Milk, Sugar, Peanut Butter, Egg Yolks, Chocolate and Cocoa. YUMMY. Our other favorites (all from HD): Strawberry Shortcake, Mayan Chocolate, and Pineapple Coconut.


Unknown said...

mmmm.. I could definitely go for some of that right now! a new flavor is so exciting. Haagen Daz has always been on my list of "the coolest things in the world."

[p.s. you are on a seious blogging spree today.]

k. said...

You need to try Pineapple Coconut if you have not already. I think my list goes 1) Dulce de Leche 2) Pineapple Coconute and 3) A three-way tie between Chocolate Peanut Butter, Mayan Chocolate (it has cinnamon in it, I think) and Strawberry Shortcake)

And yes- I'm on a blogging spree today. I'm going crazy in my apartment (no furniture really, and lots and lots of boxes- you know how I feel about messes, so I'm sure you can imagine how I feel!). We have been packing on and off, so I have been blogging on and off (mostly on).

I'll be quiet now. :)

Missy said...

I'm a HUGE ice cream fan. I like Breyers though. The whole all natural thing has me sold on it. I'll have to pick up Haagen Dazs though someday.

Strawberry shortcake sounds really good right now.