Apr 4, 2007

Running to Greenwich.

run·ner –noun
1. a person, animal, or thing that runs, esp. as a racer.
2. not me

I am not a runner. I never have been, despite the fact that there has been periods of my life when I have been good at running consistently (and even for miles at a time). This being said, I am still not a runner. I don't know how to describe what a runner is exactly, but it is not me. My sister Tara has been my main motivation for running over the past three weeks. With 4 very active kids, she doesn't have time to run. But she does. Consistently. I'm really proud of her. So- I have to run, too. We are running the Nike half marathon together in October, and October is only 6 months away. It's definitely time to get down to business. I ran 4 1/2 miles yesterday, and 4 and a quarter today (I was tired). I feel good. My legs are getting stronger. It isn't as painful as it was a few weeks ago when I was desperately trying to get back into somewhat decent shape. My favorite mile is the last mile, because that is when I feel strong, and I am proud for accomplishing my goal (which has been 4 miles the past two days). The only problem is that I am not particularly pretty when I run. I am not one of those girls who looks cute when they are running. I sweat. A lot. I turn bright red. I've been happy that Mike hasn't been home the last 2 nights when I have gotten back. I've headed straight to the shower.

Oh. And I quit my job. I should phrase that differently- I resigned from my current role at Goldman Sachs and am moving to a distressed debt hedge fund in Greenwich, Connecticut. I'm really excited. It has been a long time in the making (about 12 hours of interviews and multiple trips to Greenwich), but it is the right move, personally and professionally. I'll be working with a woman that I knew while I was at McKinsey, and she is great. It's a small firm, 200 people, entrepreneurial and more my style than a 25,000 person corporation. I'll be a recruiter there, similar to my job at Goldman (in that I will recruit) but oh so different. I can't wait. In the meantime... it means an 80 minute commute to Greenwich each day until we find either our dream house in New Canaan or a cute apartment on the Upper East Side (by the park, and close to the Metro North stop at 125th Street). I think I would enjoy either, maybe even the UES apartment more than a house at this point. It would allow us to split our commute (about 45 minutes for each of us), while still allowing us to enjoy the city... but also giving us more of a reason to be outside... with trees (Central Park just a few blocks away). We're looking at a few apartments tomorrow, and have an appointment with our broker in New Canaan on Saturday. Keep your fingers crossed for us. I start at Silver Point in 2 weeks. I'd love to find an apartment ASAP. Our lease is up in June. Oh- and resigning from a job is no fun. It feels like breaking up with someone. I felt like I was saying, "It's not you, it's me." Oh well.

So, it has been a stressful month, much of which I have kept quiet due to not wanting to talk about my job search. Sometimes having too many concerned individuals is not a good thing (e.g. too many cooks in the kitchen). The job has also been intricately connected to other things as well, which is why it has been extra stressful - what kind of house could we afford, where we would live, etc. Things finally seem to be on the upswing though, and I'm happy to see that they are coming together.

Tomorrow is FRIDAY... but Thursday. We get Good Friday off. We'll head out to New Canaan Friday mid-day. I'm still contemplating whether or not I should make cupcakes. They don't have a KitchenAid, and I'm not sure how easy cupcakes are to make without one. Hmm.


Mike said...

Congrats Kathryn! I'm so proud of you!

Missy said...

Wow. What an exciting post and I'm not even sure what you entirely did at Goldman. But, it sounds like this is a good change Kathryn. Congrats!

Keep us up to date now on the house hunt. THAT is exciting.

Oh and your running sounds exactly where it needs to be at this point in your training. Good work.

k. said...

Missy, I've been working as a recruiter for the Investment Banking Division at GS. Essentially, we recruit full time and summer (interns) associates (out of b-school), and analysts (out of undergrad). It has been fun, but I'm ready for something new... not to mention the nice change in lifestyle that will come. Goldman hours during the season are a bit extreme...

I'm trying to be a RUNNER, Missy, but I feel like such a poser (sp?). Why do I get side aches? Even after a long run the night before, my ribs feel "pinched" when I walk to work! Is something wrong with me?

bradley said...

don't the sideaches mean you need more calcium? Missy?

I'm excited for you Kathryn. I remember you mentioning (when you were here) that you were hoping for a job outside of the city (I think?). You did it! I love accomplishing my goals! And running...nice work! 4 miles is impressive. and motivating for me to start SOMETHING. :)

Anonymous said...

oh. It's me, Kelli. rrr..

Lula. said...

Congrats on the job! Mike mentioned something about it when he was visiting. That is awesome. Good luck with the house hunt also! That can get stressful...
I vote yes on cupcakes ;) I LOVE cupcakes.

Melissa said...

Congrats on your new job! That is really exciting! Good luck finding an apartment or house soon. :)

Bret said...

Maybe I did get better grades than you but you seem to have a more lucrative career. I am depressed now. Send me a cupcake.

Missy said...

I don't know if it is a lack of calcium, but when I'm getting back in shape I will sometimes get them. Try counting your breathing while you step {with each step while you run}. So, inhale {and plant the foot} 1, 2, 3. Does that make any sense? And then with each exhale you count and step as well. 1,2,3.

k. said...

Missy, I tried this tonight when I ran (only 3 1/2 miles... sigh). I felt like I was rubbing my stomach and tapping my head. I'll try again tomorrow. So you are keeping to the rythm of your steps, right? This shouldn't be so hard... See- I am not a RUNNER. I am a pretend runner.