Apr 5, 2007

Small. Box.

Could you live in this?


Anonymous said...

On the other hand we lived in a place about that size for some six months or so when we were in Switzerland - AND we had a baby. It was fun, actually. I sure wouldn't want to do it for a long haul though. Our first place, as you might remember my telling you, was one multipurpose room with a small bath. We had one closet, no drawers in the bathroom, six in the multipurpose room and 3 in the kitchen. It was so small it hurt! It was on campus at USC for about a year. Memories! xoxoxMom

Unknown said...

I had fun doing it in Boston too. It allows you to have a perfect space: no clutter, only the decorations and furniture you love, etc. I don't know if I would choose it (and especially if it was for longer than a year), but a small space makeover would be a fun challenge. :)