Apr 5, 2007


I spent a decent amount of time on the subway today, and a didn't have a lot of super busy time at work... This being said, I have a lot of randomness taking up valuable space in my brain.
  • I am not naturally pretty or skinny. I look absolutely terrible without mascara (at the very least). I've always been jealous of the fresh-faced naturally pretty & thin girls who don't have to wear any makeup and never exercise. Grr. And Mike wonders why I spend so much money at Sephora every month. I wish I could wear tinted chapstick and walk out the door. No such luck.
  • The music I run to is definitely not the music that I listen to on a daily basis. My favorites on the treadmill lately (promise not to laugh): Mr. Brightside: The Killers. Irreplaceable: Beyonce. Ring the Alarm: Beyonce (I'm on a kick). Boyfriend: Avril Lavigne ("She's like so whatever, you could do so much better" - how can you beat that?). Happier: Guster.
  • Continuing on the theme of music- I was thinking today how interesting it is to observe how music effects people so differently. Case in point: A woman got on the subway today and proceeded to belt (as in sing incredibly loud in a very off-pitched voice) a gospel song about the saving grace of Jesus. Another man was boppin' (for lack of a better word) to his ear phones like I have never seen. I get an adrenaline rush and run faster when I listen to a really stupid Avril Lavigne song when I'm running. Some people cry in church when a "special" music number is presented. Hmm. The power.
  • I don't know what I would do without my blackberry. I keep my shopping list in it (did I mention the 25 minute line I waited in at Trader Joe's tonight? Geesh.), my calendar, my contacts, I can surf the net when I'm in a bind (MapQuest, etc.) and can keep track of the odd things I need to blog about. My thumbs are getting pretty fast. You'd be impressed.
  • I looked at an apartment on the Upper East Side today. It was about half the size of our current apartment (okay, maybe 2/3rds). Are you kidding me? 1 closet, 4th floor walk up, no laundry in the building, no air conditioning and a bedroom that would likely not fit our queen size bed. I don't think so. The pros: a few blocks away from the park, the laundromat, Banana Republic and the express train. Verdict: We'll keep looking. We have an appointment tomorrow morning to look at another apartment (a much more spacious one), followed by a lunch date to Shake Shack. I don't know yet if I'll be ordering the Shack Burger or the Veggie Burger. I haven't had red meat in over a week.
  • I have a friend named Bret... We were BFF at BYU (we took a lot of the same classes and he always got half a grade better than me - frustrating). He's a good guy. He reminded me today that human beings are not supposed to be cookie cutter images of each other (on the outside or the inside) and that no one has all the answers. He has a great perspective on life- be happy & make others happy. I like this idea and need to do a better job with this.


Unknown said...

Oh Kathryn,

1. Living in NY (or Boston) can get to you. You ARE naturally pretty and thin. Maybe you should try the less makeup thing so when you aren't wearing much makeup (or any?) you feel better about it all. Like, on the weekends...even if you're going out...do the powder, blush and lipgloss. (Hold back on everything else.) A tan always helps.
[I know..unsolicited advice? Hopefully I don't sound like Dr. Phil..]
2. We all have "pump me up music". I have longboarding and wakeboarding mixes. (Or driving down the canyon cds.) I tend to go with Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, Weezer, Dashboard, Dixie Chics, The Promise Ring, maybe a little Dropkick Murphys or All American Rejects. Weird.
3. The UES apartment you looked at sounds like our old apartment in Boston. Almost exactly. We survived, although it doesn't really instigate "nesting" because there isn't room to.

Missy said...

Get the veggie burger.

Devin has the Oakley Thumps, which are actually very fun to run with {outdoors since they are sunglasses} but I like to run to OAR. Do you know them? Crazy Game of Poker is a good one.

Avril Lavigne is a good one to exercise to actually. When I taught yoga, some of the kickboxing instructors used that type of music and it always pumped people up. I should seek things like that out more.

k. said...

Kelli, maybe I will try lip gloss, mascara and under-eye concealer. :) I'll give it a shot. The funny this is, I HATE wearing makeup. It is gross to have STUFF on your face. I just feel like I HAVE to wear it. Sigh. Good point though. I will try to be minimilistic. (And by the way- unsolicited advice is always welcome from a friend). Oh- and I don't know the Dropkick Murphys. Their name is fun, so I will give them a shot.

Missy, my only concern with the veggie burger is that I think it is FRIED. Eww. Actually, I think they call it the "shroom" burger (mushrooms). I don't remember exactly. I'll give it a shot though. No harm is trying once. Do you eat red meat?

Unknown said...

p.s. the dropkick murphys are an irish punk band from Boston. so, not my "kind" of music but some songs are fun. I can only handle one at a time. :)

Bret said...

You are a natural beauty and have a rockin' body. What are you talking about? Think about how many people in the world you could beat in a footrace. That thought always makes me feel better.