Apr 3, 2007


It is 8:05am. I could really use a cupcake right now. I know it isn't your typical morning meal (I am a creature of habit and stick with Kashi or oatmeal with fruit), but right now... I just want a cupcake. Especially from Buttercup. Or, Magnolia. I keep thinking of an excuse to make a full batch (after my failed attempt last week), but I have yet to find a reason... Maybe for Easter? Does Mike's family need Easter cupcakes when we are in New Canaan this weekend? Maybe this could be a tradition. Pink and green frosted cupcakes on Easter. I like this idea.


Lula. said...

Just want you to know that I really appreciate all of your references to Kashi. I could not live without the stuff...hot or cold. Also, I think your pink and green cupcake idea is a great tradition to start.

k. said...

What kind do you eat, Lauren? I really like the Cinnamon Harvest, the Cruch (but only if you let it get soggy for a while... otherwise it is like eating rocks), and the High Fiber stuff that looks like dog food. I can't eat regular cereal anymore!

Missy said...

Ooh, the crunch is my favorite. It has a touch of sweetness to it that makes the leftover milk divine. Although I second the let it sit in milk bit.

Lula. said...

Big fan of the Crunch. But I am totally with you. It has to get soggy for a little bit. I also like the Heart to Heart. They make a delicious hot cereal as well. The above comment is also right on...the left over milk from Crunch is delish. I think I have taken this whole cereal analysis too far...