May 11, 2007

Celebrity Look Alike

Does anyone else think that Kelli's Cole looks just like the not-adopted brother of Shiloh Jolie-Pitt? I do (although Cole does not have the lips).


tangled and true said...

Really? You're funny. That's definitely not a bad thing. She's pretty. If they have anything in common, it's the lack of hair and the huge cheeks. His lips aren't so small, though. Look at this:

k. said...

THAT would have been a perfet picture to post. :) I just poached the closest one I could find off of your blog!

I think Shiloh is a beautiful baby girl, and Cole is a beautiful not-so-much-a-baby-anymore boy.

Of course it was meant as a compliment.

Missy said...

How did you figure that out Kathryn? You are RIGHT! That's so great...

Thank you for posting your books below. I am in desperate need of 1. to read and 2. to find good books. So thank you.

k. said...

I switched the picture, Kelli. Yours was better.

Missy- I'm obsessed with celebrity gossip? I don't know. :) I was just looking at a picture of the Jolie-Pitt family and thought of Cole. :) I think both are extremely cute kids (with good-looking parents).

Heidi said...

I am totally unbiased (never having met Kelli) but I do think her son is quite cute. He could model

k. said...

So Kelli- funny story. I was showing my blog to a friend at work last night, and when she saw Cole's picture (and only Cole's picture) she said- "Oh my gosh- he totally looks like Shiloh Jolie-Pitt!" Too funny. :)