"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."
- Dr. Seuss

I started reading The Color of Water (McBride) this week and I LOVE it. It is simple, poignant and beautiful. This being said... I'm almost finished.
Anyone want to read along with me next week (or the following)? Here's my "to-read" list:
□ The Sun Also Rises: Hemingway
□ East of Eden: Steinbeck
□ Freakanomics: Stephen Levitt
□ The Fabric of the Cosmos: Brian Greene
□ I Capture the Castle: Dodie Smith
□ Peace Like a River: Leif Enger
□ Song of Solomon: Toni Morrison
□ The Heart is a Lonely Hunter: Carson McCullers
□ The Good Earth: Pearl S. Buck
□ Precious Bane: Mary Webb
□ Rough Stone Rolling: Richard Lyman Bushman
□ John Adams: David McCullough
□ Jesus the Christ: James E. Talmage
□ American Gospel: John Meachum
□ The History of Love: Nicole Krauss
□ My Name is Asher Lev: Chaim Potok
□ Running in the Family: Michael Ondaatje
□ Bridget Jones Diary: Helen Fielding
□ Garlic and Sapphires: Ruth Reichl
□ All the King’s Men (Warren)
□ One True Thing: Anna Quindlen
□ All Over But the Shoutin’: Rick Bragg
□ Middlesex: Jeffrey Eugenides
I totally would join but I have my own stack of books on my bedside that I am dying to get through. Maybe after I hear your reviews though I will add some of your list to my list.
What's on your list, Heidi? I always keep a list of "to read" and "HAVE read" books. At the rate I'm going, I'm going to run out of ideas soon. :)
Oooh. You have some good ones, Kathryn. I'm still needing to finish Peace like a River. But I LOVE Steinbeck and Hemingway. I might have to join you in both of those. I'm a big fan of Potok and Ondaatje and want to read Nicole Krauss as well. (I have her husband's book...but haven't gotten to it yet.) The Good Earth: more of a school read than something I would pick up on the weekend for me. And I've tried Toni Morrison a couple of times and just couldn't get into the groove. But she's worth another try for sure. She's brilliant.
I will share my list soon ;-)
Ooh, more book lists! I've got some time opening up for the next few weeks and I plan to be reading like crazy...looking forward to hearing your comments on your list. I've got quite a few on my own list, but there is always room for more!
Taryn, fill me in on your list. I need more! I'm literally reading a book a week. I NEED good books.
hooray a book list. i need one. sad to say but the only book i have read on your list is bridget jones :) well atleast i got a great laugh
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