May 27, 2007

Fun with Mom.

Fun times with my mom in town. She is an easy guest, laid back & up for anything. Last night we went to Uva for dinner. The name reminds me of the "uvula" (the dangly thing in the back of your mouth) but it was delicious. We ate in the back of the restaurant, in an outside courtyard. It was an absolutely perfect night.

We walked another 20 (we had already walked over 20) blocks south to Buttercup Bake Shop. We each had a cupcake & then shared a banana pudding. S-t-u-f-f-e-d.

Oh- and my mom & I almost made it to Shake Shack. Well- we made it there, but ended up just sitting on the bench for an hour or so just talking, people watching and resting our feet. We were so stuffed from brunch that we couldn't even eat lunch (although we did manage to share a peanut butter custard). I really wanted a Shack Burger, but again- so full from brunch.

Otherwise... We spent a lot of time wandering through the Farmer's Market & Whole Foods at Union Square, and spent a significant amount of time smelling various perfumes at Sephora and browsing through stores in Chelsea. It was a good day, and we walked a lot. I tallied it up and we definitely walked over 80 blocks. Mike finally got home from his trip Saturday afternoon. I was so, so, so excited to have him home- I missed him.

We spent today in Connecticut for Dave's farewell. I love my siblings-in-law and was happy to see Cara, Dave & Bryan. Dave will be an amazing missionary (in Argentina) and I am excited for him.


Elizabeth said...

Holy cow kathryn your hair is looking so long..

k. said...

That's because it is so expensive to get it cut in NYC! I can only afford to cut it a few times a year. :)

Patrick&Kera said...

i promise, next time i come to NY i will be SO much more fun!! and defiantly NOT preggers! your a great hostess though!

Unknown said...

I love visitors because it always gives a good reason to survey all the favorite eateries. Sounds delicious...all of it! And like a healthy break.