May 26, 2007

Vinegar & {Love}

We discovered a really cool market just around the corner from our apartment. The Vinegar Factory is my new favorite place in the city (for all things fruit & other edibles). I went with my mom for the first time yesterday, then went back last night when we decided that we were hungry (we were too stuffed from our lunch to actually go anywhere for dinner). Conclusion: I'm not allowed to go alone. I came home with a bit of a random assortment of stuff. A delicious sandwich (just like the ones we've eaten in Zermatt), rice pudding, dulce de leche (our favorite for crepes, ice cream, straight out of the jar- you name it), a really cool vegetable scrubber (I said random) and blueberry lemonade. Delicious!

On a somewhat unrelated note- we watched Pride & Prejudice last night. How have I never seen this movie? We've owned it for well over a year, and I just never got around to it until last night. It was beautiful. I loved the cinematography, the music, the costumes... It makes me want to meet Mike and fall in love all over again. Oh- and read the book again.


Heidi said...

I am guessing you watched the P&P with Keira Knightly? I also liked the cinematography. Have you seen the one with Colin Firth? That is my favorite version, I love him.

Blueberry lemonade? I am trying to imagine how that would taste.

Heidi said...

PS- I have snow flower and the secret fan on my bedside stand to read soon, I am excited to see what you think of it.

k. said...

Yup- that's the one. Sounds like I need to check out the other version? I really did love that movie.

You still have to send me your "to read" list Heidi!

PS- Blueberry lemonade = delicious.

Missy said...

Actually I'm loving the idea of blueberry lemonade. I think the two would make an interesting combination, but some tart with sweet is always tasty.

It sounds like you guys are having fun. I love cities and the walking/browsing that goes with it.