May 20, 2007

I love.

I love weekends. I wish weekends were three days instead of 2. I feel like I could use an additional day. It has been a good weekend though, and I have fully taken advantage of the chance to sleep. I think sleeping has been the highlight of my weekend. I've been really, really tired.

Mike's little brother (6'4") came into the city for the weekend, ready for some bonding time since he'll be leaving soon. He met me at the train station in Greenwich and we rode into the city together. I like Dave. I've been really lucky to have him as a "new" brother the last few years. He's a good friend, fun to talk to, and an easy weekend guest. We met Mike at Grand Central and picked up some pizza before heading back to our apartment. Mike and Dave quickly broke out the Lost DVD's, and I immediately fell asleep on the couch. At about 8:30. Again- tired.

Per above- Saturday morning involved sleeping in, then getting up and working out hard. I met Kellie at New York Sports Club for her favorite "body sculpting" class. I've been running, and feel like I'm in somewhat decent shape. The class was full, and the bodies around me were toned. I suddenly didn't feel so-in-shape. Within the first 15 minutes of the class I thought I was going to die (or at least that my legs would fall off). I didn't know if I would be able to walk home. The class was an hour. I had 45 minutes to go. By the end of the class, the attrition rate was likely around 50%. It was hard. Really, really hard. People around us were dropping like flies. This being said, we finished. I felt okay for the rest of the day, but woke up this morning and definitely felt it. Definitely, as in could barely walk down the stairs felt it. I think I need to start lifting weights. Apparently I don't have any muscles.

The rest of Saturday was fairly... lazy. We spent a couple of hours wandering around midtown for lack of any other better ideas. It was a grey and rainy day which didn't especially help. We took Dave to Buttercup Bakeshop and he agreed that the cupcakes are indeed very good. I tried out the sour cream spice version (my favorite is the buttercream cupcake with chocolate frosting) and it was amazing. I love cupcakes, and I love Buttercup - I prefer it to Magnolia, hands down. We spent a while walking around Rockefeller Center (aka JCrew, Anthropologie and H&M), then made our way down to meet Kellie & Jason for dinner at Jane. We love Jane. Mike always gets the burger, and I ordered the salmon with mint orzo (I always order fish when we go out because Mike won't eat it at home). I love fish. Our entire reason for going to Jane though was the dessert- Strawberry Shortcake. I love Strawberry Shortcake, and Jane's version is delicious. Kellie had told us to go there about a year ago specifically for this reason, but when we went they didn't have it. Disappointing. We were happy to eat it last night, and again, delicious. We definitely weren't disappointed. Can't go wrong with strawberries and cream I suppose. Oh- and yesterday- I rode the bus for the first time. Not a huge deal, but I thought it was interesting that it took me over two years. It was easy, not scary, and relatively quick.

We had Stake Conference today, the new broadcasted variety. It was strange, but good as church generally is I suppose. We had to make the trek to the Lincoln Center building (other side of town), which meant that we took a cab both ways in lieu of 45 minutes on the bus & subway. Getting across town is just about impossible otherwise. We drove straight through the park, and it was gorgeous. Such a pretty day today.

Kellie and Jason, Mike's friend Ryan and Dave were all at our apartment this afternoon for brunch. We made crepes- my favorite breakfast food, period (we fill them with peaches, yogurt, whipped cream and powdered sugar). It was fun to have our apartment comfortably full, and with seating for everyone. Definitely a nice change. After a brief nap, it was back in the kitchen to make dinner for our friend Matt Miller who is in town for an internship.

This week will be busy. I have a lot going on at work, and Mike will be out of town from Wednesday until Saturday. And- I won't have Grey's OR The Office to keep me company, AND I have to watch the season finale of Lost on my own. I'm already scared. Thursday- my mom is coming into town for the long weekend. I can't wait. I love visitors, and I'm excited to show my mom another side of NYC (as in the Upper East Side). Like I said- can't wait.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

all the food, all the sleep, the awesome workout- sounds dreamy!