May 21, 2007

I'm Loved!!

My sister Tara just bought tickets to come visit me the 2nd weekend in June. YAY! I can't wait. I love my sister & do not see her nearly enough. I love that she will leave her 4 kids & husband at home to come visit ME. This also means that I will see her more than three times this year (this is huge)- June, August (at the lake) & October in San Francisco. We are running a half marathon together in SF and are excited to get in some runs around Central Park (along with some other good "exercise"- shopping, eating at Shake Shack and seeing a show- among other things). I absolutely, positively cannot wait.



Jan said...

You are going to have SO much fun! Your two are quite alike in many ways, and it will be go go go all weekend. Lucky you!

Unknown said...

Yeah! You've been wanting that forever. I love house guests!

Mike said...

Yay! We don't do NEARLY enough shopping in this household. It's about time!


Tara Edwards said...

OK - Just for that comment, I'll come to NY and we can sit in your apartment and shop on QVC and alternate with watching re-runs of the Bachelor and Sex and the city :) I'm not coming for the shopping! I'm coming to see you!!! I can't wait!
