May 13, 2007

Weekend in May.

Most of our weekend trips to New Canaan are marked by a trip to Made it Myself Deli on Elm Street. Mike was talking about their bacon, egg & cheese sandwiches as soon as we started dating at BYU, so I soon realized that they were legendary among the New England deli snobs. We went there the first morning of my first trip to New Canaan when we were dating. They are delicious, but really- I just can't stomach eating them anymore. Potatoes, cheese, ketchup, egg, bacon, a BIG roll... You're definitely not hungry for the rest of the day. I go to Bruegger's Bagels around the corner now for a more reasonable morning meal, then we meet back up in the middle. It works for us.

Saturday was busy. We took Metro North to New Canaan early Saturday morning, grabbed a car at Mike's parent's house, stopped @ the breakfast spots mentioned above, then drove to the Ikea in New Jersey (and hour away) that had our chairs in stock. NEXT, we drove into Manhattan to drop them off at our apartment, then drove back out to New Canaan. It was a long day on the road, and I came to this conclusion: Mike should be a cab driver. He is crazy in the city. I told him that while he should be a cab driver, I will NOT be a customer. He would be that kind of cab driver. Anyway- It took us about half an hour to drive across town on 34th Street (that's the Empire State Building, by the way). City traffic = no fun. I prefer to walk/take the subway. Oh- but the fun did not stop once we made it back to New Canaan. We managed to go to Target (twice- in one night- we love to stock up), Costco (among the things we bought that we didn't know that we needed- swim goggles, for our aspirations of swimming laps in our building's pool) and a Mexican restaurant for dinner with his family. Mike passed out at about 10:00. He was tired.

The view from the top (37th floor I think?) of our apartment building.

Good view.

I took a couple of pictures of Mike putting our new chairs together tonight. When I asked him if I should post the angry picture or the cute picture (i.e., smiling), he said - The angry picture. It's more representative. Putting our Ikea chairs together has not been as easy as the last time we (he) did it. I've tried to be a good cheerleader, but let's face it- I don't follow instructions very well, and I'll only get in the way if I try to help.


Heidi said...

Ikea, Costco, and Target (twice) all in one day- sounds like a great time to me!

Not so much the driving in the city though...

k. said...

Okay, so, too funny Heidi. Probably as you were reading MY blog, I checked yours and then followed the link to your mom's blog (your mom is so cool, by the way). I loved reading her birthday post for you. I feel like I *know* you so much better now. :) Really though- so hip that your mom has a blog. Isn't it funny how we (I?) blog surf?

I hate driving in the city. HATE it. It makes me SO nervous. And- I hate traffic. Frustrating.

Missy said...

The whole breakfast thing? That totally sounds like something Devin and I would do. Just get what we both want and meet in the middle.

Your day sounds busy, busy. But, I'm so glad you got your table and chairs! That's so fun. Your house is complete now right?

Missy said...

Ok, so I just went and read Heidi's blog and then clicked to her mom's to read more about Heidi and I'm with Kathryn.
a. your mom has a blog
b. your mom is a good writer, almost made me tear up thinking of Avery and me later in life.
c. I learned so much about you too. Very cool. Did you have your mission call?

I guess I shouldn't take up Kathryn's comment space for this, but she got me there so I thought I should include it here. Thanks Kathryn

Heidi said...

You guys are funny. My mom is a great writer. I am so glad she started a blog, she often calls me with questions on how to do things- it's cute.

Yes I had a mission call to Hawaii when I met Ben- it was kind of crazy drama from there on out but all worked out how it was supposed to. Sorry Kathryn for this random conversation on your comment space!

Unknown said...

Kathryn, I love that you had such a productive day. Do you have the "end of a productive day" headache now? If so...well worth it, right!?

Your chairs and table look like a great combo. I can't wait to see the finished product {pictures of the new place once it's all put together}.

Mike- easy with the hammer. ANOTHER trip to Ikea {to replace broken chair} doesn't sound like fun.

k. said...

I don't mind using comment space. It's not like we will run out, and now we know more fun stuff about Heidi. :)

Hawaii would have been fun I'm sure, but you're right- things definitely happen for a reason. Very cool that you were prepared for a mission (I admire that a lot) and found your husband in the process. That's great.

Kelli- Yup. I definitely got "the headache" but I think that is because I forget to drink water on the weekends for some reason. I'll take some pictures once everything is put together/cleaned up. It took Mike about 2 hours to do 2 chairs last night, so we (he) still has 2 more to go.