May 11, 2007


From AP News this morning:

On this week's episode of ABC's "Grey's Anatomy," Derek and Preston waxed philosophical over a beer on the eve of Preston's wedding to Cristina. Musing about his strained relationship with Meredith, Derek said: "It shouldn't be this difficult, should it?" Yes, Derek, it must be this difficult. Because the reason "Grey's" often rises above other soapy nighttime fare is that it conveys the bruising blows and aching uneasiness of daily life in a fairly real way.

Sure- most of my friends are not nearly as sexually active (especially within one social circle), may not be brain surgeons and extremely attractive at the same time, or execute brilliant wit at all the perfect moments. But I still love Grey's because of the poignancy with which is portrays life & it's wanderings. Life is not perfect, and certainly not easy. Sometimes, it is just... complicated. Grey's demonstrates this, each and every week. So Derek, yes- sometimes it is difficult, sometimes it is not all roses and fairy tales. Some days are bad. Some months might be harder than others. But that is life, and it is worth it.

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