May 9, 2007

Run II (and other thoughts)

I went on a run with my running partner tonight (Shannon). First though, I sprinted from the subway to get home (a 15 minute walk- I was speed walking in my pointy red flats), then sprinted again to the park to meet her (a little over a mile). Point being- when I finally met up with her, I was already tired from about 2 miles of moving very quickly. We did a few loops around the park (not the entire thing, mind you) and then I ran home. It was about an hour, but I am exhausted and I hurt. Yesterday was fun. Today I just didn't know if I could make it. I'm happy that I had someone to push me along, or at least exercise the power of peer pressure. The last mile home (downhill) was easy and felt good, but in general- I'm just tired.

I was up most of last night with what I think was a mild migraine, if there is a such a thing. I was sweaty, dizzy and had a throbbing head for the better part of the night. Again- I'm just tired today.

Mike left this morning at 4:30am to head to Florida for the day (another reason to be tired). His flight is delayed and he likely won't get home until around midnight. This being said, I am watching Lost by myself. As cheesy as this sounds, I don't like watching this alone. It is scary. I miss Mike.

And- I think I'm going to quit reading Wuthering Heights. I really don't like it, enough that I feel okay quitting 60 pages into it. Oddly enough, I used a quote from Bronte on my wedding announcement- "Whatever souls are made of, his & mine are the same". Too bad the rest of the book isn't as great. Sigh. I need to make a trip to Borders.


Missy said...

I hate watching LOST alone too. In fact, I won't do it. It can easily spook you, even if the dark monster is very unrealistic.

I hope you are feeling better today. Few things are worse than being woken up with a headache. Way to get your run in still though!

k. said...

Good. I'm glad that I'm not alone (or odd). The show makes me anxious enough when I'm WITH Mike. I cover my eyes as soon as the scary music comes on.

I AM feeling better, just sleepy. Mike got home late, and I got up early. I could use a nice Saturday morning sleep-in session. Won't happen this weekend. Maybe next.

Heidi said...

I prefer to watch Lost with my husband as well. I totally get scared- last night was no different- what is the deal with "jacob"?

k. said...

Not only Jacob, but what's the deal with Ben murdering an entire village?

PS- Lost will be over in 2010. It's official. They've got 3 more seasons to figure it all out.

Heidi said...

I heard that as well but I think they should end it sooner. I don't know if they can keep it going on that long without losing steam (which they have already done a little of this year).

And yes Ben killed off his whole village!? I am thinking Locke won't die, since he seems to have healing powers or something. Why didn't Richard age from when Ben was little to now? So many questions!!

Missy said...

K, I haven't watched LOST yet. But, this makes me excited to. WEIRD. I also heard the 2010 deadline and think it needs to be closer to 2008.