Jun 1, 2007


Mike and I went to a gala last night with his family. The word gala sounds stuffy & snotty. It wasn't, I promise. We are not gala people, but Mike's mom heads a cancer research foundation {for the same tumor that she has been battling for several years} & each year they put on a huge fundraising benefit. The music was good & the food was nice. We didn't even mind needing to go to New Jersey. Hooray to Jeanne for raising over $600,000 for research since she started her foundation not long ago. I'm pretty proud of her & her activism, especially in light of everything she has gone through {emotionally & physically} over the past few years. She has given so many people hope - this was quite evident last night with the hundreds of people, many of them patients themselves, in attendance. It was fun to be there. {And PS- how cute is the picture of Mike with 2 of his younger brothers?}


Unknown said...

Fun. I've been to a couple of galas. And especially cool, I'm sure, that it was initiated by your mother in law. I'm really liking the collage.

Heidi said...

Are you wearing a Shabby dress? I love it!

Lula. said...

Wow- Mike and his brothers could be twins. Sounds like fun.

k. said...

Heidi- yup. The green Shabby dress (with gold metallic heels). It was perfect. The gala wasn't black-tie, more "cocktail" attire, so it worked perfecty. Again- so comfortable, and so flattering. I always feel good in it.