Jun 1, 2007


  • The Metro North {train} platform at 125th Street {Harlem} is elevated. I have to walk up to the tracks from the street. 44 steps. I counted this morning. I hope this means my legs are getting stronger, because those 44 steps, plus the 30 or so I take to walk out from the subway tunnel = a lot of steps every day. I have no need for a stair master. This morning I walked up on my toes to work my calves a little bit more. Urban exercise.
  • Speaking of 125th Street- The Scientologists have been camping out at the subway station for the past few days. They perform "stress tests" and sell their book on dianetics. Mike and I stopped at one of these stations once, but I decided it was rubbish after they couldn't tell me whether or not God existed. As I was walking past them today, I started to think various negative thoughts towards them- I quickly stopped myself though, realizing that I come from a fairly peculiar faith. I have a brother on a mission & I'm sure people think & say terrible things in regards to what he does & what he {I} stand for. I'm going to choose to be more tolerant. To each his own, & I certainly respect those who seek to better themselves, their families, & their lives.
  • More on 125th Street- The subway preacher {who I always fear will throw his Bible at my head} was particularly loud & angry tonight. His voice was hoarse, so I'm sure that he had been yelling for quite some time. I wonder why he is so angry, preaching about God & his salvation.
  • I started reading The History of Love today {thanks for the recommendation, Kelli}. I am entranced by this book. The rythm of the narrator is absolutely captivating. I hope I finish it by Monday. I can't seem to put it down.
  • My eyes itch. I sneeze 4,000 times a day. I am not sleeping well. After a 3-year remission, my allergies have come back with a vengance. I hate pollen.
  • I'm going to Los Angeles next week for work. I'm excited for warmth without humidity, and for In 'n Out. Oh- and, nice people. I've been planning an event at a super trendy club, and the woman I have been working with is so nice & friendly. I am not used to this in NYC {nice & friendly strangers}. Hmm.


Unknown said...

oH..now I really want to read The History of Love too. (I know that I recommended it..but it was a recommendation to me by Juice, Missy's brother.) Anyway, you are on a ready streak! Nice work and very motivating.

k. said...

I thought you had already read it. :) Within the first 10 pages, I thought that it really sounded like a book you would love. It really is fantastic (I'm 3/4 of the way through it- stayed up late last night reading). I'm trying to average a book a week. Hey, I spend 5 hours a week on the train (about an hour a day), so I've got some extra reading time. :)

Missy said...

Juice always tells me to read The History of Love. I need to. I have several other books on my nightstand already, but will have to read it. My sister-in-law is loving it right now. Good to know.

I loved your number two point about religion Kathryn!

Heidi said...

I read The History of Love last year and it was great. It touched me.