Jun 10, 2007

Fun, fun, FUN.

I loved having my sister here. She is so much fun, and I loved every minute of the weekend {except when my feet were about to fall off, and maybe when there was a subway fire & we had to find a cab to go all the way uptown}!

Friday for lunch- Shake Shack. I think that Tara agreed that it was worth the wait.

We sort of matched - on accident.

Tara decided that since the Flatiron Building is the most photographed building in NYC, we had to take a picture of it {it's right by Shake Shack}. So- there it is. Nothing too spectacular in my opinion, unless you think a pointy building is fun.

We went to Haru for dinner Friday night. Mike hates sushi but stopped for a hamburger on his way home {more his kind of food} before we went out, so he was happy to observe while we ate. Tara & I loved it. I even ate the eel, and I am typically not an eel fan. Delicious. I think that my 2nd favorite part of eating sushi is eating the ginger that comes along with it. I really love freshly sliced ginger.

Post-dinner, on the walk home.

We were busy on Saturday. Tara & I woke up & went for a run around Central Park {we are doing the SF half marathon together in the fall}, then had brunch with Mike at The Vinegar Factory {I cannot get enough of their Eggs Benedict}. We headed downtown & decided to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. It was windy, but fun. It's sad that we have been here over two years & it took us this long, but I was happy to do it with Tara. We followed precedent & waited in a long line on the other end for ice cream @ The Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory beneath the bridge. I'm not sure this was worth the wait, but it's sort of the thing to do after walking across the bridge {besides eating pizza at Grimaldi's, which we don't think is that great}.


I want to start running across the bridge. I think that would be fun {plus it is "uphill" half way - good training, since there are basically no hills in Manhattan}.

We didn't walk back over the bridge. We took the subway {Reebok has an odd add campaign in NYC right now}, and left Mike halfway through so that we could take care of some girl time {aka shopping}.

Rockefeller Center {also home to the largest Anthropologie, JCrew, and the NBC store which sells the Dwight bobblehead doll- love it}.

Tara took us to dinner @ Tony's di Napoli. It was absolutely amazing Italian food, family style {this means they serve you a ridiculous amount of food}. We had leftovers for lunch today after church & we were all completely stuffed.

Kellie- we will have to go out to dinner & get this soon {since we both share a love for strawberry shortcake}. SO good {probably better than Jane}.

We took the bus home since we were all too full to walk. This is the 3rd time I have taken the bus in Manhattan. I don't mind the bus {as long as Mike tells me which one to get on!}.
Bye Tara! Miss you already {but see you soon!}.


Heidi said...

How fun to have your sister all to your yourself for the weekend! I have to get to NYC because I have never walked across the Brooklyn Bridge and it looks fun.

Jan said...

I loved seeing the two of you having such fun! What a great chance for just the two of you to have girl time....

k. said...

It WAS fun, Heidi. And even more fun- I'll meet you there if you come. :)

We still have a list of things we have to do in NYC that we just haven't gotten around to... e.g., going to Ellis Island (never been there- can you believe it?), going to the Bronx Zoo, the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, etc. NYC is a big place. I'm glad (most of the time) that we are not moving any time soon!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I've walked Brooklyn Bridge, there and back. Loved it. It was August at midnight and the perfect temperature. I think I was wearing a tank top and it felt perfect.

You guys look cute together. Sounds like you had a lot of fun! Yea for sisters!

Melissa said...

Thats great Tara got to come see you! Your strawberry shortcake looks delicious!! Glad you had fun! :)