Jun 10, 2007

Hey, Taxi! Take me to Arizona.

How funny is this? A while back, the news talked about a NYC cabbie that was asked to drive a retired couple to ARIZONA {so that their cats could stay with them}. Tara just called me from the airport- this particular cab driver was HER cab driver today on the way to the airport. Read an article about his trip here. I'm glad that Tara will have something fun to tell her friends about!

1 comment:

Tara Edwards said...

I'm home! I got a lovely tour of the JFK runway for an hour and a half but I was lucky to have the seat next to me empty so I had a little extra space! The flight itself wasn't too bad but next time I'm taking the full sized pillow you offered me. The girl sitting next to me lives just one neighborhood up from where I live! Small world! I had SO much fun. Thank you for having me! I can't wait to come backk!