Jun 25, 2007

Just another...

Monday {Manic?}

Most importantly- I survived Sunday. The talk was fine. Easier than I thought. I'm not much of a public speaker, but I think that my professional experience is starting to pay off. I wasn't nervous & I think I only said "uhm" a few times. Oh- and I got a calling. Relief society pianist. I swear, it's the only calling I EVER have in church {besides being a ward missionary in my last ward}. Clearly, HF does not want me to lose my talent of playing the piano. Whatever. I'm fine with it, and happy to do whatever I'm asked. Really. I laughed when the bishop asked, though.

We had our first day in the new building at work today. It's beautiful, I have an office, we have a dock, and the kitchen was stocked with Kashi cereal & organic milk. I'm happy. Overall, work is going to be ridiculously busy this week {aka no time for extra curricular activities like blogging or online shopping, which I guess I don't do all that often}, especially since I'll be out on vacation next week. Things are definitely busy. I decided to "reward" myself and went and got my eyebrows done after work. For some reason, this is relaxing for me, and always makes me feel pretty. Well-manicured eyebrows always make you look better, right? I think so. After my appointment {at Anastasia's}, I spent an hour or so walking up 5th Avenue and browsing through various shops. My only purchase: a $7 gold belt at H&M. Oh well.

Mike is working late tonight {hence my meandering on 5th Ave- I hate being alone at home}. He was supposed to be home a half hour ago & just called to say that he'll be home in a half hour. Sigh. It's already 9:45pm. This means that I'm sitting on the couch watching The Age of Love (that tennis player guy has NO personality, by the way- it's painful) and eating Kashi for dinner. I have something going on every other night this week. Somewhere in there, I need to do laundry, pack & run. Sigh again.

I started reading Steinbeck's East of Eden a few days ago. I really like it. I like how it demonstrates the comlexity of humanity. I'm only about a fourth of the way into it {it's 500+ pages}, but I'm enjoying it. I hope I finish it by Friday so that I don't have to bring it with me to Spokane. It's a big book. On deck: Pride & Prejudice and Middlesex. I bought four books on Amazon last week for a grand total {shipping included} of $30. Not bad, right?

I'm sort of worn out today, generally speaking. I didn't sleep a lot this weekend {except going to bed at 9:30pm last night- that's really early for me}, and definitely won't be catching up over the next few days. I think most of all, in terms of my vacation, I'm looking forward to being on a plane for five or so hours without blackberry or cell phone service. It will be a welcomed disconnect. And of course- I absolutely, positively cannot wait to be at the lake with my family. The dock is likely my favorite place on the planet. So. Beautiful.


Anonymous said...

I'm with Kera, there is always a new post to look at when I check in. It's fun. I like it...and will miss your blogging this week with your busy schedule. I'm so happy that you are going to the lake though. Fun!

You've never read Pride and Prejudice? You're in for a treat. Possibly my favorite book. Ok, one of.

Heidi said...

I love P&P too.

I do love the internet and blogs and emails, but I also loved going camping this weekend- if only for 24 hours, it was nice to not even have the option of checking in. Just being part of the outside world and QT with my hubby.

Rae said...

Hey, I read your comment on Missy's page regarding the I'm Not a Plastic Bag bag. I had a similar experience with a store here when I called two days after they were released, haha.
They're coming to Whole Foods next month??? WHEN!!! Want to line up together? I WANT A BAG!!!

k. said...

I read P&P in high school... I barely remember it. Thought I should give it another shot.

Rae, I'll look up the WF details- I think it is mid-July (maybe the 17th?). We should definitely wait in line. :)

Anonymous said...

K - We need to meet up to swap books before the upcoming vacations, I have Pride & Prejudice if that wasn't one of your Amazon purchases. I have The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand to take to Turks & Caicos, but I'm not sure it's easy, island reading....

Let me know when you see a window in the week, worst case I could drop books with your doorman. We don't fly out until Tuesday.

Rae said...

Can't wait to get some bags.
I dreamt about it last night.....I let some lady in front of me in line and she got the last bag, haha. Random.