Jun 13, 2007


Remember this story? I loved it when I was a little girl. Now, as an adult- I have become the real life Rapunzel {so said Mike tonight- I thought it was funny}. I found the solution {okay, Tara did} for my hair dilemma: Chris {in Spokane, for only about $50} will cut my hair when we go home in August. Mr-in-High-Demand in NYC will cut my hair in October {$70}, and Chris will cut my hair again in December. Problem solved! Almost. Now I just have to worry about hurting Bradley's feelings. Sigh. But think of the money saved! Lovely. In the meantime- I have some seriously long hair. I haven't gotten in cut in almost 3 months. It is the longest it has been, ever. It's going to be a nice two months of ponytails & headbands.


Patrick&Kera said...

i have decided i am growing my hair out. yep. its decided! unfortunatly i cut it all off about two months ago, so i have a ways to go :(

Melissa said...

I'm glad you found someone good to cut your hair in Spokane for a decent price...I can't believe that people actually pay $150 to get their haircut! Thats crazy!