Jun 13, 2007


Sometimes I get it in my head that I really need to do something {run a marathon, etc}. I guess today just isn't my day. After my team at work put our heads together and determined that about 90% of us will be out the week of July 4th {on a Wednesday}, I thought that it would be the perfect opportunity to sneak home for a few days. It sure would be a lot easier to do if home was not Washington STATE. 2,175 miles away, to be exact. I checked Delta to see if they had any tickets I could use with my points. Nope {50,000 a piece- I'll save those for our South America trip we are hoping to make}. I checked Expedia. Cheapest ticket: $653. That's not in the budget. I could walk. At 20 miles a day, that's about 108 days. Hmm...

Places I would really love to live right about now:

San Francisco

San Diego
Salt Lake

Are we noticing the trend here?


Heidi said...

They are all out West!

There is a marathon in Philadelphia in November (I think, or somewhere in PA). At least that is east!

Tara Edwards said...

I have points! I could get you there! Does Alaska fly into JFK or that HUGE airport that is 30 minutes closer to you than JFK? I'm calling Dad....

k. said...

Okay- just to clarify, I REALLY, REALLY wasn't trying to be passive aggressive here. Just complaining about living on the east coast. Promise.