Jun 7, 2007

Sleep deprivation.

One of my least favorite things is waiting in airports. I hate it. Waiting is not fun. Well- I'm stuck. Now. Waiting. I'm at LAX. I got here about an hour before my flight, only to discover that it was delayed from a 11:15pm departure until midnight. 45 minutes is not so bad, but 45 minutes has now grown into an hour and 15 minute delay, and it doesn't take a very large brain to see a terrible pattern developing... It is going to be a long night. I'm grateful for WiFi right now. Thanks to my body dutifully maintaining EDT, I'm tired, the bone tired that only comes every 4 months or so. The clock on my laptop says 2:09 am. My favorite bed time is 10pm. This means I'm extra tired right now. I'm also cold, and since LA is supposed to be warm & sunny, I'm wearing a tshirt {I changed out of my business casual ensemble before heading to the airport}. Brr. It's chilly in here.

I made a friend on my trip. Our LA office is really small, but made of great people. I really connected with the girl {my firm is not known for employing large numbers of females} in the office and we had fun. I was nervous about the trip & anxious about making a good impression since I'm still sort of the "new" girl, and she was so great. We clicked. We made a late-afternoon trip to the outdoor mall next to the office {we needed a break} and quickly discovered that we have the same taste in just about... everything. I get excited about things like this because really, I've never had a huge network of girlfriends. I was always the boy"friends" type. Maybe I've always been sort of uncomfortable in sorority-esque situations. I don't know. I guess I just have a hard time finding close friends. This is a topic in and of itself I suppose. In any case- it's always nice to make a new friend {no matter where they live} and to have an unexpected fun day. We went to In 'n Out for dinner before I hopped in a car to the airport, and I was disappointed. I've always wondered if Shake Shack really does make the best hamburger, and now I know. In 'n Out really does pale in comparison. Sigh. It's sort of like a childhood memory has been shattered {we used to go each spring break when we were in Palm Springs}. Oh well. Viva la Shake Shack!

I bought a new book- Year of Wonders (Brooks), since I accidentally finished The Lovely Bones on the trip out. I'm definitely not going to read it on the plane. I'm going to do all that I can do to sleep. I'll even take a few Benadryl before we take off in an effort to get drowsy enough to get some rest. I have a hard time sleeping in any sort of public situation. I never fell asleep in school, not even in seminary. I could never take a nap in the grass at BYU, despite trying. I don't know that I have ever successfully slept on a flight, except maybe when I bring my own pillow like I do on the red eye from SLC to JFK. I didn't bring a pillow, and the little mini ones the flight attendants pass out just don't quite cut it. Not even close. Anyway- I hope I can sleep. Have I mentioned I'm tired? I have another big event in NYC tomorrow from 2:30 until about 10pm, so I'm going to have to muster up some energy at some point! Luckily I don't have to head out to Greenwich- I can go home and sleep for a bit {assuming I get home}, then jump in a cab to midtown.

I think I'm rambling now, sort of like I'm talking to a stranger who is "hhhmm"ing and encouraging me to keep talking. I think this is the delirium that comes with exhaustion.


Jennifer said...

Kathryn...we've never met, but I think we'd be friends if we were to meet. I also have a tiny network of close girlfriends. I think I can count them on one hand and none of them live near me.

I like your blog.

I'm Missy's sister-in-law, by the way.

Have you read The Time Traveler's Wife yet? What about Atonement? Those are two of my favorite books of all time. I also loved Middlesex. Oprah just announced it as her next book club book.

Jan said...

Tired - I was bone tired yesterday as well. In a meeting I had to conjure up fantasies to stay awake and quite literally found myself pinching myself to stay even semi alert.
Girlfriends - You know I'm the same as you, but I have friends of almost 30 years now - Ones so tried and true that I will go to my death, no matter where I live, with the knowledge that they will always be there for me, and I for them. Not many pass our way in this life with whom we feel such a sweet bond. But that's ok - It makes them all the more special.

k. said...

Hi Jennifer! Lovely to meet you. If you are a friend of Missy's, we will get along great. :)

I will definitely add those books to my list. I haven't read either. "Middlesex" has been on my list for the last 6 months or so. Maybe I'll read it next (especially since it got Oprah's vote as well).

I remember looking at you blog once- you talked about JCrew flip flops. I too have shared in the obsession, and was frustrated when they switched the design a few years ago. Sigh.

Missy said...

Did you get some sleep Kathryn?
Your new friend sounds great...did you buy anything fun on your shopping {break}?

Unknown said...

Oh, Kathryn. I feel for you and hope you get sleep! (I woke up with puffy eyes since my week has equaled (almost) no sleep!)

I LOVE making new friends. And I'm definitely in the same boat with have few CLOSE girlfriends. But I love the girls I know well. :)

k. said...

Kelli, why aren't you sleeping? I miss your {more frequent} blogging. But it IS time consuming.

I love making new friends, too. Sometimes I feel lonely in NYC because I have a VERY small (as in count on one hand) group of close friends... But I have my lovely friends in other parts of the country that I love, too. :)

Unknown said...

I have a one year old who is growig molars (2 at once)!