We took Metro North home from CT last night. It was a humid day, and fairly misty, but this is normal for New England in the spring. We didn't really expect anything heavy. When we got off in Harlem, it was pouring rain. An absolute downpour. No umbrellas, no cabs in sight. The joy of NYC is that sometimes, you just don't have a choice. We sprinted the block and a half to the subway station. We were both wearing shorts, tshirts & flip flops. Not good. When we got off the subway at 86th Street, it was still a torrential downpour. We were lucky to find a cab within 30 seconds, but unlucky to both step in a 4-inch deep puddle when we stepped out in front of our building. When we finally made it into our apartment, soaking wet, Mike said- "I think we need to wash our feet, considering that we basically ran through Harlem barefoot". Eww.
This morning- I woke up in a cloud, literally. The view outside our window was hideous, dark & grey. In protest, I slept in an extra hour. My shuttle bus to the subway was 10 minutes late, which meant that I was dangerously close to missing my train, which meant that I was in danger of missing a morning meeting. The subway was painfully slow, likely due to flooding on the tracks. When we finally made it to 125th Street, I sprinted. I was wearing heels, despite my recent habit of wearing flats. It was pouring rain. Picture me- bright striped JCrew umbrella, patent leather heels, running down the street in Harlem. I made it to the bottom of the Metro North Station {think 44 stairs up to the track} just as the train was pulling up. I used every last inch of energy to pummel myself up the stairs. I stepped on the train just as the doors closed behind me. I could barely breathe. I was wheezing. I think I need to start running stadium stairs or something. My runs around the reservoir apparently do not cut it.
The beauty of it all- on my way to Greenwich, I received an email on my BlackBerry. My meeting, the reason for the rush {I could have caught the next train}- cancelled. Lovely. Happy Monday, everyone.
sounds like Just Another Manic Monday :)
Hey, no need to go running the rest of the day, you should make this your usual habit, kill two birds with one stone . . . You could get so good, you could run the half Marathon in heels even.
Wonderful! I'm so excited for the rain because I never see the rain and I hate it when it's sunny :) I'll just bring a cute umbrella!
Forecast for this weekend:
Fri: 88 with scattered thunderstorms (I will be working from home that day, and you will be sleeping in the morning- so we will be okay)
Sat: 83 partly cloudy
Sun: 77 partly cloudy
Sounds like a perfect weekend to me! :)
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