Jun 18, 2007

What happens when Mike is out of town...

  • I worked a lot later than usual- out of necessity, but also because coming home to an empty apartment is not so fun
  • I ate a piece of cake for dinner
  • I'll sleep in Mike's favorite tshirt, and only on "my" side of the bed
  • I unloaded the dishwasher in my skivvies
  • I wasted an hour watching The Age of Love {also multi-tasking while talking to my BFF on the phone}

I get lonely when Mike is gone. This must mean that I like him {a lot}. He's fun to have around. I can't wait until he's back late tomorrow night.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Mike -

Sorry I confused you with my post, the wrangler was a friends, not ours.
Hope you guys love your new apartment.