Jul 11, 2007


Devoured it, finished it & loved it. I had read Pride & Prejudice in high school, but hadn't really read it. I'm glad I gave it another shot. It makes me want to meet Mike & fall in love all over again {and maybe play hard-to-get just a little bit more!}. It also makes me want to rent the older version of the movie & watch it when Mike is traveling tomorrow night, and then maybe watch the newer version {which we own} again on Friday night. Would that be excessive? I don't think so.

Next on my list- Middlesex {Eugenides}. I'm also contemplating adding another Austen to my reading list. Sense & Sensibility? Emma? Hmm.


Jennifer said...

Austen is good reading. I took a class in college all about Austen. Can you think of anything greater than an entire semester of Jane Austen? I think my favorite is still P&P.

Jennifer said...

AND...I think you'll really like Middlesex. I read it a few years ago and it's still one of my favorites. It's one of those books that displays true writing talent.

PJ and Julie said...

ok, next you need to sit down one weekend and watch the 5 vhs series of pride and prejudice. it is incredible. oh...I just read your blog better and you mentioned something about that. I try to make it a yearly viewing event, but now that I am married, I don't know how I will convince PJ.

Missy said...

That's usually how I feel after reading Jane Austen. I just want more and more. Talented writer. I loved P and P too.

Lindsey said...

Oh, I love P&P! So glad you loved it. Please see Becoming Jane when it comes out in the US. I actually liked it better than the new version of P&P with Keira Knightley. I'm looking forward to reading what you think of Middlesex. It's on my list too! :)

k. said...

I started reading Middlesex on the train this morning- thus far, love it.

Tara Edwards said...

I read P&P a few years ago for a book club I was in and ended up reading all the books you mentioned. I love her writing style and once I got into the flow of her language I started picking up so much of her humor! I found them hilarious! I couldn't pick my favorite but I loved Emma, and you know they made a movie about that book as well! Have fun reading!

k. said...

Julie- is the 5 VHS series only on videotape? I don't have a vhs player... I will have to do some sleuthing on the internet. Sounds like a perfect way to spend a rainy Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Mike actually watched P&P (the new one) before I did. It was on an airplane, but STILL- he liked it a lot. Maybe PJ will too!

So- what Austen book do I read next? Jen, you seem to be the expert with your entire semester spent studying her (jealous). Maybe I will read Emma next?? Tara?

Heidi said...

kathryn- The best movie of all of that movie is the A&E/BBC version with Colin Firth. I have it on DVD (it is 5 or 6 hours long!). You must watch it.

I read P & P while living in London for a semester. It was perfect. It helped me fall in love with that country and with Jane Austen. I always crave more when I read her books too.

Heidi said...

Hm, above I meant to write "the best movie of all of that BOOK" (not movie)

k. said...

Okay Heidi. I just bought it on Amazon. It was cheap ($15 new), so why not.

And Lindsey- becoming Jane hits the States in September. Can't wait. :)

Heidi said...

$15- that is a steal. I hope you like it as much as I do!

Lindsey said...

Heidi is right - the A&E/BBC version is the best movie of that book. Have either of you seen Bride and Prejudice - the Bollywood film of P&P? It's fun.

k. said...

I saw that (Bride & Prejudice) when I was looking on Amazon. Funny!