Jul 13, 2007


I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. I'm ashamed I even did it. I'll take Grace Kelly without a problem, but Laura Bush? Matsushima Nanako? JENNIFER ANISTON? I think not {although I do think my sister Joanna looks like the former Mrs. Pitt}. I look like none of these people. Although... my mom sort of looks like Laura... hmm.


Anonymous said...

I think those are fun. I've never done one, but it always looks kinda fun to me. Your mom DOES look like Laura B. And your sister does even look like Jennifer A too. Weird.

Unknown said...

I wonder if people still think WE look alike. Remember how often we would get that?

You're very pretty, Kathryn! Where in the world did they come up with Alyson Hannigan? I would definitely take Grace Kelly though.

k. said...

Kelli, I LOVED it when people said we looked like sisters! Such a compliment. :) I think we do. Still. I hope.

BYU London said...

Once I took this and it said I looked like Sports Spice- yuck!

You are a beautiful girl and any of those ladies would be lucky to look like you!

k. said...

I wish I knew who BYU london was so that I could say thank you! You're sweet.

I wasn't fishing for compliments with this post, really. I just thought it was... silly.

Mike said...

ah, the classic celebrity look alike post - a staple of any female blogger.

On another note, back off BYU London! Get your jean shorts and socks with sandals outta here!

Heidi said...

ha ha kathryn that was me! I have another blog too that is just friends from my semester abroad that I was logged into ;-)

Mike don't feel threatened, and I would never be caught dead in jeans shorts or socks with sandals! ;-)

Melissa said...

Don't worty I don't think this thing is very accurate at all...If you saw our blog Eric's top match was Kristin Davis and I re ran it with a different pictures and Hilary Clinton came up as a match! :) I had an oriental person match come up with mine too. I hope I dont look oriental! Anyway its kind of fun.

Unknown said...

I wish I looked Asian! I love the look really. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm dying at the byu london conversation. That is so funny!

k. said...

I knew it was you, Heidi! I just knew. :)

When Mike wrote his comment I saw it on my blackberry and told him to be nice!! Sometimes I don't get his sense of humor, but all in good fun. :)

I agree with you Kelli- I think Asian women are beautiful. I love dark hair with fair skin (sort of like your look!). I have sort of dark hair with sort of medium skin. Sigh. :)