Jul 10, 2007

Smashed White Bean & Avocado Club

Mmm. I love avocados.

I made a yummy dinner tonight in about 4 1/2 minutes {Mike helped}. Per my previous post, it has been HOT, so anything slightly warm was completely out of the question for dinner. I asked Mike if he just wanted some fresh pineapple, but he wanted real food. Sigh. Sandwiches were a great optinon, and I typically have most of these ingredients on hand. I got this recipe from one of my favorite sources- Real Simple. Mike loved it, I loved it, and our veggie friends {or those who don't cook/don't like to cook} will like it too. It's definitely a repeat.

Smashed White Bean & Avocado Club

2 15-oz. cans white beans, rinsed and drained
2 T extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 t. kosher salt
1/4 t. black pepper
12 slices multigrain bread
1 small red onion, thinly sliced
1 cucumber, thinly sliced {peeled, if desired}
2 avocados, pitted & thinly sliced

In a medium bowl, combine the beans, oil, salt, & pepper. Roughly mash the mixture with the back of a fork. Place 8 of the bread slices on a work surface. Divide the mashed beans among the slices. Top with the onion, cucumber, sprouts and avocado. Stack the open-faced sandwiches on top of each other, to make 4 double-decker sandwiches. Top with the remaining 4 slices of bread. Slice in half, & serve.

OR- you can use MY directions {for 2}. I used regular multi-grain bread {4 slices} and slightly toasted. In lieu of mashed beans & oil, I used hummus. I only used 1 avocado, and obviously less of all of the other ingredients. Easy, fast & yummy.


Lula. said...

that sounds so delicious. chances are though, i won't make it very often. ben HATES avocados. who does that? seriously the worst thing to hate. they are delicious. every time i eat one, i try to give him a bite to see if maybe this horrible preference has changed. it never does. sigh.

k. said...

Oh no! That is sad. What about guacamole? That's one of my most favorite foods. It is shame if Ben doesn't like THAT. Hmm.

I don't think the recipe would be very good without the avocado. Try it on your own for lunch someday or something.

Missy said...

Yum. Yum. Extra Yum. That sounds delish. All I need is the white beans.

Thank you Kathryn!

Heidi said...

I too love avocadoes- I need to try this for lunch one day!

k. said...

Missy- I think Hummus might even taste better. I didn't use the beans. I'll give it a shot, but the hummus was DELICIOUS and easy.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that just what hummus is though? Ground up garbanzo beans with flavor? I agree though, I think some tomato-y hummus would be tasty.

k. said...

Yup- same thing- I just always get hummus with flavor (I love red pepper hummus, or garlic, or tomato, etc).

I'm lazy. :)

Jan said...

I too, am married to a guy who shares a sad dislike for avacodos.....Perhaps using a bit of smoked turkey and bacon might be a compromise for those types. I much prefer the roasted turkey that is dryer and more flavorful than the is the regular kind which is inflused with who knows what to keep it fresh, but makes it slimy to my taste.

JnR said...

My husband loves avocados so I will have to try this one out! sounds delicious though.

Anonymous said...

jer and ro, who are you?