Jul 10, 2007


  • I wore a somewhat complicated-looking Anthropologie shirt today. When Mike saw me this morning he said, "You look like you're wearing a bunch of napkins!". Uhm. Ok. He continued- "That's a compliment! You look cute! Promise! Picture-worthy!" Boys have a weird way of giving compliments sometimes.
  • I also wore a somewhat flowy, polka-dot skirt today. When I was walking down the stairs into the subway station at 125th Street tonight, a big gust of wind blew my skirt {way} up. Crap. I hate it when that happens. When I got to the bottom, a young police officer gave me a big wink & flashed a smile. I guess he found the baggy biker shorts I was apparently wearing under my skirt to be sexy. Whatever.
  • The drummer man @ 125th Street was playing/singing "Sexual Healing" tonight. It was a great cover. This guy needs an album, seriously.
  • Mike's 2nd "funny" comment of the day- It has been HOT in NYC and extremely humid. I don't mind hot so much, but I loathe humidity. Solution: When I get home, I rip off my clothes as fast as I can, and in lieu of walking around NAKED, choose to put on a light bathrobe that I have {light cotton, knee length- not terry cloth}. So, Mike got home a few minutes ago and said, "What is the deal with the robe lately? You're like a 1950's dad!!" Not so, my love- I'm just HOT.


Missy said...

I wish you HAD taken a picture of your outfit. I'm curious now - a napkin-esque shirt with a polka dot skirt.

Baggy White Bikers Shorts. Nice.

Heidi said...

I want to see a picture of that outfit too!

Seriously, this post made me laugh out loud. Those are EXACTLY the kinds of things my husband would say to me. Way to give a compliment boys. Classic.

Lindsey said...

I actually laughed out loud too. I like napkin-esque type shirts. I can totally visualize what kind of shirt it is. Cute.

Patrick&Kera said...

ok i just had to laugh out loud about the baggy biker shorts and the 1950's dad. My dad loved to sport his robe at night, even if my friends were over . . . i don't think he ever thought twice about it. He'd just come in and start talking to everyone.