Aug 25, 2007

I just died a little inside...


Tara Edwards said...

I don't see what's so funny! I think the Iraqs need all the help they can get from the US Americans, versus the Canadian Americans. We are an educated nation with much to share! What!?

Matt Miller said...

hahaha...The Iraqis cause all our nations problems...

Patrick&Kera said...

I think Like, some people don't like, have maps like, because like, I don't know what like the question you asked me was, so like thank you.

k. said...

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. What the heck did she just say?!

It's great when you blog when I'm sleeping! I never know what I'm going to get in the morning!

RoRo2 said...

Couldn't agree with you more!! What the heck was that???? Maybe she should go to South Africa and get some of the education she thinks we should give to them and then should learn where the US is on a map and how to answer that question!

k. said...

Roro- we don't know who you are (and you leave comments here and there). We'd like to know.

Rae said...

Oh man, I wanted to crawl into a hole and cover my face when I watched this because I was so embarrassed.

Ryan said...

Oh my gosh I watched it and almost cried.. that and the one that said that she thinks public speaking is the biggest problem with teens today..

Mike said...

wait, there's ANOTHER video out there? Or you watched the actual broadcast? If you watched it, that's cool, you know, underage girls and all. No judgment.

Heidi said...

Okay i actually watched this on tv and I was dying. My husband heard it from the other room too and we were both like what the? There were a few other girls that had really bad answers too (to different questions), this one did top it all.

Lula. said...


Anonymous said...

um, hilarious.