Aug 19, 2007

Page turners.

A fascinating book. I had few expectations going into it, which may have made it a bit more strange {I bought it solely off of a recommendation from my friend Bret- we share tastes in literature}. It gave me odd dreams, & was certainly thought provoking. When I finished the final page, I just sat there for a while, thinking... The story was grey, somber, sad, simple... & incredibly profound. Not exactly a picker-upper, but a very good read.
I really liked this book. It was incredibly how Jeannette Walls creates such a positive spin on the difficult & sad childhood she experienced. Her perspective & perseverance was really amazing. I expected the book to be far more depressing, but it turned out to be quite the opposite. Her perspective as a small child was just so different that the tone of the book was not at all sad- it was just matter-of-fact. As if your father trying to kill your mother was just a little bump in the road, or eating beans every meal for a week was just fine. A very interesting book.

Thanks to a three-hour delay at JFK {of course}, I finished this book before I even got to Spokane. It is in the same genre of The Devil Wears Prada-esque books, but still a fun read {if only a bit cliche & predictable}. It's always fun to read books based in NYC, & this one took place in my very own neighborhood on the Upper East Side. Also- I've had a lot of discussions with friends/colleagues about the balance of career & family, & reading this book definitely makes a nanny situation far less appealing. It was actually incredibly sad to read about these poor kids who have substitute-moms. Some people do a great job balancing it all, but such people were definitely not exemplified in the book.
I love, love, love getting recommendations from friends {The Road from Bret, & the latter two from Kellie}. My to-read list keeps getting longer, and longer. I'm so glad I have the train every day. Up next: Whatever I find at the airport tonight to read on the flight home {I can never sleep on red-eye flights}, and The Undommestic Goddess {Kellie is my personal library this month!}.


Rae said...

Yay, you're back! (Okay, maybe not so yay for you) but I've missed your blogs! I loved the pics from Priest Lake. Your little nieces are so cute.
I'm reading The Kite Runner. You've probably read it because it was super popular a while back. It's a rough read, so sad, but I'm liking it.

Heidi said...

I have only read Nanny Diaries on this list, but thought it was a fine read. I like those "expose" views to a world that is so foreign to me (and happy to keep it that way). I am excited for the movie.

Is Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella? I have read that. The plot is total fluff and predictable but it's also quick and enjoyable. Oh and I love anything set in England ;-)

Lindsey said...

Welcome back! Your trip looks like SO much fun and a perfect break from city life.

I have read Nanny Diaries and thought it was a quick, light read. Predictable and cliche is right! I like books set in cool cities too (like NYC or London). Looking forward to the movie too. Haven't read the Undomestic Goddess, but I fondly remember the shopaholic books! I'm glad you liked The Road. Makes me excited to read it. Also, I'm jealous you have the train everyday to get some quality reading in. Way to utilize your time. In the Tube over here the have signs that say you will spend 3 years of your life commuting...

k. said...

Rae, I loved Kite Runner. Such a profound book. I read it on a long flight back from a business trip overseas and cried my eyes out. I'm sure I looked like a total idiot. I've heard his most recent book is inredibly good as well... I'm just not quite up for it yet (especially after The Road, which is a bit dark).

Heidi- yes on Undomestic Goddess. I read the first 50 pages today, and it is fun. It's smarter than the Prada books- I like it. But not deep literature, by any means. :)

Lindsey- I try not to think about how much time I spent on the books. I'm trying to be positive!! Sometimes I have to try extra hard. Good thing I love to read. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts...