Aug 20, 2007

Utah for a few hours.

Mike & I had a 3 1/2 hour layover in SLC last night. Elizabeth & Hudson were nice enough to drive up from Orem to meet us for dinner {we were sad that Ryan couldn't come at the last minute}. Hudson is ridiculously cute, although he did refuse to pose for a picture with just the two of us. Oh well. I was happy to include Elizabeth. It was fun to see both of them, even if only for a few hours. Our flight took off from Salt Lake at midnight, and we landed at JFK at 6:30am this morning. I really, really hate red-eye flights, but the extra day with my family is so worth it. This being said... I'm tired. More later.


Jamie said...

good to be home? Your trip looked like a lot of fun :( think the water will still feel like bath water in September . . . Maybe not :) I have never been to spokane in the fall, I am excited!

Patrick&Kera said...

That previous comment is from me and not some stranger :) My friend was using my computer this morning, I didn't realize I was logged in under her name.

k. said...

I was so confused! I was trying to figure out how I knew this person! Clearly, they were from Spokane and knew about Priest Lake. :)

Jan said...

I have to laugh - I read the first comment(dan, jamie and bryson) and thought - Who is the world is coming to Spokane in September that we know? Are Patrick and Kera bringing friends?
What a great pictures of you both! You are sisters through and through, that's for sure. It is SO amazing that we can have pictures to share so easily through your blogs, and I thank you for keeping us all up to date! We hardly have to wait a minute to capture the moments!!!!!

Melissa said...

Cute picture. You both are so beautiful!

Patrick&Kera said...

sorry to dissapoint :) I must have posted one on Elizabeth's blog from their login name as well because she had the same confussion.

k. said...

Dissapoint?! Yeah right Kera! :)

I posted once on Tara's blog about how much I loved her, blah blah blah... as Mike. Oops! :) I fixed it. Quick.

Missy said...

You look so pretty in this picture Kathryn. All glowing and tan and happy.