Aug 23, 2007

Gimme, gimme.

I keep a list of "wants" in my Outlook notes. It's a list for all things not included in the budget at the moment {or for the month- or sometimes for a very-long-time}, or things that I just can't seem to track down. This list a good thing to do, because I can prioritize what I want now, what can wait for later, & what I should probably keep wishing for. I don't mean to be materialistic {just see how tiny our apartment is & how little stuff we have}, I just like to stay organized so that I don't forget what I really, really want. :) On my current list:

We don't have a picture of Christ in our apartment. Well- we have a really small one, & it's sort of abstract. I love it- I just wish it were bigger. I want a big one- maybe like the one you have in your living room, Kelli. I like that one. Shopping ideas?

I like the idea of Bumble & Bumble's Thickening Spray. I especially like that it tames flyaways & frizzies without being goopy {I have flyaway & frizzy problems, thanks to NYC humidity}.

I want a Rebel. I know, I know... I just bought a new camera this summer {& have loved it}. But my entire family has this camera, & it really takes the most amazing pictures. I think it will be a nice thing to buy when our family includes other {smaller} people.

I've been looking for this blood orange {one of Mike's favorite things} sorbet for a long time. The Vinegar Factory sells just about every kind of Ciao Bella made- except blood orange.

Someday, I would like to invest in a salon-quality ceramic straigtener. Tara- don't you have a good one?

I want a new pencil skirt. I can wear it with boots in the winter, or heels when I need to dress up a bit more. It's a staple for work, and my current one needs to be refreshed.

I'm not really a perfume person. I love smelling clean & fresh {of course}, & Mike always tells me that I smell like "cute girl". But sometimes I like perfume. I occasionally use Rosewood from Banana Republic, but I really like Fresh's Sugar Lychee. I've almost bought it a few times, only to be held back by my observance of Mike's holy budget {see- I do a good job sometimes!}.

I'm currently running in Saucony's. I don't love them. I've heard that running shoes are like bras- you find a pair that fits, & you buy three pairs. In a few months {when I've worn out my current shoes}, I'm going to go back to my Mizuno's. I loved them.

I have wanted these charms {or some variation of them} for forever. My birthday is coming up. And our 2 1/2 year anniversary {same day as my birthday, conveniently enough}. Christmas is right around the corner. I'm WISHING.

Who doesn't love shiny hair? Bb.Shine sounds like a great product {but I don't love the $38 price tag- yikes!}.


Lindsey said...

Lists like these are fun. I really really really want that camera. My sister has it and loves it.

Heidi said...

I want/need a new camera before I have babies as well. Right now mine takes to long to flash. I need something faster.

I have never tried that sorbet but looks good.

I worked at a hair salon during college and got a discount on an amazing ceramic flat iron (i still paid over $100, yikes!). but it works SOOO well. I am forgetting the brand right now. Go to any nice salon in New York and they will be able to recommend a good one.

Unknown said...

don't they sell bumble and bumble at your local cvs pharmacy for a discounted price? they did in boston. i used that product for several years and loved it! (I'm back to Aveda.)

I love your charms. Mike- it's a perfect anniversary gift! and I need a new, good camera too! really badly. maybe that's why I don't blog anymore (I just have the powershot.)...

can we get a picture of your new haircut?

Missy said...

I like when you make these lists. They're fun. But, I also like when you go through your current belongings and share what you love. Tried and true product recommendations are always the best.

Lula. said...

that is so funny. i keep a wish list on our desktop so that ben can view it at any time...and so i can keep track of the things i am "wishing" for. two things: 1- we LOVE our rebel xti. it is so fun learning how to take pictures manually. we still use our point and shoot, but i never knew a dslr could be so fun. 2-if you are ever in the provo/orem area, there is this great store called runner's corner that will analyze your walking/running style and find you a shoe that fits perfectly. ben did it last year. i am going to go when my current shoes wear out. he has been so happy with the result. you only pay for the shoes..the consultation is free!

k. said...

Lauren, so funny! That's where I bought my Mizuno's- at Runners Corner in Provo. Great store. :)

Mark said...

thanks for finding our blog. Looks like you are building a beautiful life out on the East coast. I don't know if you heard but Alex and Janae just moved to Boston....look for their link on our page. Take care!

Patrick&Kera said...

New staightener pretty please! also, do you curl your eyelashes? I don't even know how to use an eyelash curler, is that bad? I am told sephora has an amazing one . . . hmm.

k. said...

I know, I really want one. But good ones are EXPENSIVE. Hmm.

I always curl my eyelashes. They're easy to use (but I once ripped mine out- ouch!). I wouldn't waste money on a super expensive one though- you can buy a really good one at the drug store for $12.

Ben said...

Excellent list Kathryn, don't worry about materialism, everyone has wants, you are just organized.
One warning on the camera; as expensive as it is upfront it will cost even more down the line. Cases, filters, grips, remotes, tripod/monopods, hard drives, cf cards, and especially lenses open a whole new world of lust.