Aug 20, 2007


This could be a ridiculously long post if I let it {I'll keep it brief}, & might be just a tad bit random {or an excuse to post some fun vintage pictures}, but here's my question- what constitutes home? Mike & I were talking about this in our sleepy stupor in the cab home yesterday morning as we were driving through Queens. Is New York City our home? Is Spokane, Washington? Is New Canaan, CT? It's hard to define home. I'd like to say that home is where family is, but that creates a bit of a problem for a bi-coastal family such as ours, let alone the concept of creating a new family when you get married. Home is where the heart is? I love my husband, & home is ultimately where he is, but I think that at the end of the day, Priest Lake is home for me. New York City is a super cool place that I happen to live, but it definitely does have the sentimentality of the lake. All of my classic childhood memories are there. It's where my family gathers, as frequently as possible. I don't really have any sentimental ties to Spokane. I care about being at the lake, with my family & friends. My sister Tara had the pictures below on her computer & I swiped them this week. How fun, & a good reminder of old memories. On the right- my lifelong friend Melissa {Gibby} Smith. We've been friends since I was born. Here we are below, at Priest Lake, as very little girls.

Priest Lake continues to be a source of vibrant memories. Prime example of special-ness: Mike proposed to me on New Years Eve {2004} on the fire pit that my Dad spent years building {he literally put each rock in place- likely contributing to the double hip replacement surgeries he has had in recent years}. I like that the cabin has special memories for Mike & me, too. That was a fun night. In the pictures below- Mike on the phone with his Grandma, telling her the good news shortly after he proposed {I was clearly still completely shocked at how I had talked to Mike only hours before, assuming he was in Connecticut}, then us the next day on the beach @ Mosquito Bay.

I didn't really answer my question of home, definitively, but it's something to think about. In the meantime, the gluttony of Priest Lake posts can be over now. Promise.


Heidi said...

This is also a question I often ask myself. Wherever Ben is, is my home, that is why I subject myself to living in Reno (of all places). However I also really feel at home when I'm with my family in Utah- doesn't really matter the building we are in, or city for that matter (Salt Lake, St. George, Lake Powell, our cabin), and then also another part of me feels like my home is London, where I only lived for a few months but I had never felt so completely connected to a city. So, who knows. Let me know when you figure out a solid definition for "home." At least we do know it's where there is love and incredible memories.

Lula. said...

Okay, you were the cutest little girl. And those pictures of you and Mike are priceless.

Lindsey said...

Those post-proposal pics are so great. I've contemplated this idea of home before too. I feel so at home in London, but I also love being home at my parents house (but they just maybe that will change?). But I would have to agree that where my husband (and daughter) are is where I feel most at home...

Rae said...

Okay, no one answered for us single people?? :)
I've wondered this as well, as I've noticed I now refer to my home in California I lived in since I was ten as "my parents' house." I remember the first time I heard my older sister say "my parents' house" and I thought it was so weird. Duh! It's all of our house. I guess not calling it "my house" is my subconscious way of realizing it's not neccessarily home to me, anymore. It is, but it isn't.
On a less sad note, I also remember going away to school in Rexburg my freshman year and my best friend and I would never refer to our dorm as "home." If either of us ever accidently did it we'd correct each other and say, "The DORM. HOME is CALIFORNIA!" Haha.
I guess home is where you're settled and happy?

Melissa said...

Home is definately where family is. Thats what makes a place (spokane, New York, Rexburg, where ever...) a home. Thanks for your thoughts.

I have that same picture of us at the lake. Good times! I too have so many memories growing up at Priest Lake. Its such a great place. You are SO lucky to have such a nice cabin to spend your family time at!

I love your proposal pictures... you guys looks so happy!

Tara Edwards said...

I think (and I'm not being corny here) that there are lots of different kinds of homes but when I think of where I can go each day to get centered or feel like I'm a part of our family now that we are all so spread apart, that I go to my computer and look at our blogs. I'm in love with your blog and the rest of our families blogs because it makes things feel a little closer. So thanks for getting us hooked. Of course when I'm with just my kids and Kevin on my red couch I feel like I'm at home and I love that, although I wouldn't mind an aunt or two, or an uncle, or a cousin, or a grandparent, sitting there with us.

k. said...

Speed dial #5 ("Home") on my cell phone is (509) 466-****. My parents house in Spokane. Question answered?

Missy said...

Really, "home" on your speed dial is in Spokane? SO interesting. This was a good post and something I've taken to thinking about a lot lately as we decide to move within the next couple months. Once I left the house I grew up in - that was "my parents house" so I really can't say that that is home for me. I'd like to think that I have made a "home" here in San Diego even if I'm not 100% confident with where I am in the city like how I was in Orange County. But, then again Delaware for 1 week became "home" for that week b/c of the family and the memories and how we were able to feel relaxed and comfortable.

I say it's where you feel most loved and comfortable (which hopefully inevitably comes from being with your family).

Missy said...

And now I have to say that those pictures right your engagement... I love them. Hearing about people's engagement makes me smile. It's like I can hear the happiness in your voice (or writing).

Jill said...

you two. so so cute. i love how completely happy you are in these pictures K. love it.