Aug 2, 2007

Isn't she pretty?

Quincy Faith is the most recent addition to the Hudson Family Tree. Erin did a great job & delivered her {quite easily} in Spokane this afternoon. She is a stunning baby, and Erin basically looked like Heidi Klum during the entire labor {so says the pictures}. She is definitely my pregnancy & labor role-model.
Quincy joins Parker, Spencer, Ellie, Harrison, Cameron, Hudson, Riley, Lexi, Avery & Haidyn on our list of nieces & nephews. I can't wait to meet her next week!


Missy said...

She is a beautiful baby Kathryn! And your sister-in-law hardly looks like she just went through LABOR. Congrats to them. Is this her fourth??

k. said...

Yup- her fourth girl. :)

Patrick&Kera said...

its true, it is not fair to look so good after having a baby!! Christopher picked a good one.

Heidi said...

Congrats to your fam on a healthy baby! That is always such a miracle to me.

Unknown said...

Oh boy. Newborns are so cool! Every time I hear a delivery makes me want #2.