Aug 8, 2007

It took me 2 hours to NOT get to work this morning

  1. 5:45am: Go running {about 4 miles}. It's pouring rain, thundering & lightning when we wake up, so I stick with the treadmill. Our gym looks over the East River, so I'm able to watch the huge storm first hand. You would have thought I would have paid attention...
  2. 7:30am: Mike & I make our way to the subway station, only to find hundreds of people on the streets. Clear sign: No subway service. New York infrastructure is super cool, in that it shuts down any time it rains. Lovely.
  3. Wait for an uptown bus to Harlem for a solid 20 minutes. Takes another 20 to actually get up there.
  4. Around 8:50am: Get to Harlem only to find hundreds of more people stranded at the Metro North station. No trains running until further notice. I tried. Really. I send an email to my manager letting him know that I have given up, & will work from home.
  5. Try to catch a bus home. Refer to #4 for explanation of people waiting. Buses are both infrequent, & full to the brim.
  6. Take off heels, put on flip flops & star walking. 32 blocks {20 is a mile}, plus a few avenues. I'm guessing I've walked 2 miles this morning. That puts my total mileage for the day at approximately 6 miles. Not too shabby.
  7. Approximately 10:00: Finally get back to my apartment, where Mike is working from home as well. Immediately jump in shower. It's about 90 & almost raining this morning {super, duper humid}.
  8. Immediately put on sweat pants & tshirt, plus socks since my feet are so tender that I can barely walk on them. Speed walking in flip flops is not good. I need a nap.
Read about all the fun here.
Other items of note: I dropped my blackberry in a puddle of pee. URINE. In Harlem. Not even kidding. AND THEN- I went to the kosher deli on the corner to grab a bagel {I was famished from my 6 miles on an empty tummy}, only to find that they did not have bagels. The bakery delivered the wrong order this morning & delivered hamburger buns in lieu of bagels. Are you kidding me?! Can I not catch a break this morning?!
I came home & ate oatmeal.


Rae said...

This morning totally sucked. I'll be posting my recap a little later.

Patrick&Kera said...

Phew I am exhausted. Heres your break . . . YOUR GOING TO THE CABIN and now you are home for the day! wahoo. the pee thing. totally nasty :(

Unknown said...

bummer morning! sorry. (I woke up barfing. That wasn't good..)

was it definitely pee? not just dirty rain water? yuck yuck. and it still works?

I can't wait for new lake pictures. That IS something to look forward to. hope your day goes better.

k. said...

Kelli, do you have an announcement, or just ate some yucky food? :) Hope you feel better. Never a good way to start the day...

It was definitely pee. I have the eye for it (you have to be able to decipher "puddles" and "pee puddles" in this city). It still works, and it thoroughly disinfected at this point. Gross.

Missy said...

I'm most worried about your blackberry. Is it ok? Does it smell? Glad you are able to work from home...

Heidi said...

Yuck- blackberry in pee! Sounds like a rough morning, hopefully it takes a turn for the better.

Jan said...

I'm so sorry. I don't think I could do it. You amaze me. I admire you for not letting it get the best of you. I just finished picking raspberries, beans, carrots and cucumbers at Strawberry Hills. Much more what I'm good at doing these days.