Aug 8, 2007

Laptops, cell phones and remote access...

...the Whiting family, two more peons keeping the financial services bureaucracy moving, one email at time. As Kathryn mentioned, we worked from home today. Here's another interesting tidbit on this morning's weather: F2 Tornado Confirmed in Brooklyn. First in recorded history, I believe. My morning journey wasn't as severe as Kathryn's. I headed cross-town on the bus and tried every subway line. Seeing that things weren't looking promising, I started back across town to the Upper East Side.

I find it interesting that when public transportation and its associated rat race derail, New Yorkers snap out of their commuter trance and Manhattan becomes Spokane, WA (shout out to the Hudson clan!). Rather than staring blankly at nothing in particular, people chat, ask one another what's happening, offer suggestions about how to get from point A to B, discuss their professions, you name it. We're one step away from having a group hug and heading off to Granny's Buffet!


Jan said...

Way too funny! I remember coming to Spokane, lo those many years ago, and my biggest culture shock was the fact that they never asked for ID when I wrote a check. My good will would do just fine, thank you. Even now when we shop at Safeway in Newport they all recognize us and call us by name. (I know it's a corporate thing to do that, but they REALLY do know our names) We are still a very friendly and laid back place, for the most part. We are also somewhat backward, but I'll accept the trade off.

c-natalie-l-k-l said...

We heard about your weather on O'Reilly!!! He talked about how ridiculous the transportation situation was. It was fun to read your stories and then hear about it on the news!

Mike said...
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