Aug 1, 2007


...I'm not above it. If you saw my computer desktop by the end of the day, you'd see 30 emails open on 20 different topics, all being addressed at the same time. I'm a definite possessor of the strength/weakness (depending on how you view it) of taking on too much at once.

This habit often carries over to my daily trip to the Citi men's room (see my previous post on the recently upgraded TP situation - the setup now meets my discriminating standards). During today's trip, I found myself guilty of indulging in a bit of multitasking via the Blackberry (PRE-wipe, mind you - no cross-contamination going on). I know I'm not alone in this habit. During today's post-lunch rush, I heard thumbs clicking away in the stalls to my left and right.

But I heard a different sort of multitasking during today's deposit to the porcelain bank. As the Crackberry junkies filed out, two stalls down I heard what I thought was a snore. "Nah, couldn't be..." I thought. "Must just be someone with a sinus issue." I shook off the preposterous notion and started out of the restroom.

As I exited, I passed the stall of the gentleman who I thought I had heard sawing logs. This poor sap made the rookie mistake of choosing the disabled stall (this particular stall has very wide gaps between the door and wall - a KILLER for peripheral vision). In this particular case, peripheral vision got the best of me. And to my shock...something unimaginable...

...that's right. This idiot was asleep on the toilet. And not in a dignified manner, as shown in this picture. This guy was in a full-fledged yoga position, forehead on his knees, pants around his ankles. I've now officially seen it all.


Rae said...

That is the funniest story I've ever heard. I'm officially cracking up at my desk right now.

Jan said...

Mike - I have to say, I think your blogs should be published!....Come to think of it, they are! That has got to be one of the funniest stories I've ever heard - and your telling of it does it absolute justice! Thanks for sharing.

Lula. said...

Mike, I love the way you write. If I told that story, it wouldn't be half as funny. Thanks for making me laugh.

k. said...

SO funny. :) And odd, actually. Who is this guy? I think you should report him.

You guys should have heard how hard Mike was laughing as he was typing. He wouldn't let me read it until he was finished (he wouldn't even tell me the story!).

Matt Miller said...

hahaha... great story Mike. I will have to try that sometime. Over the course of my summer with GS I did fall asleep at my desk a couple times but never anything that creative.

I can totally relate with the poor guy...

Jeanne said...

Funneeeee... thanks for making me laugh! Where do you get these pictures?!