Aug 29, 2007


{Whiting} is private. I couldn't take it anymore. I just did it. I looked at my StatCounter page again today & decided that enough is enough. I feel like I should share a big secret right now. Like my address & apartment number. Or I could tell you about the last time I cried. I feel better knowing that my audience is more intimate, that I know all of you.

Sigh. This is refreshing. Much better.


Missy said...

I kind want to do it too! You make it sound so nice...

Tara Edwards said...

I agree. Good for you and I feel better about it as well.

Heidi said...

I totally agree, doesn't it just feel better?

Unknown said...

I thought I would get a password prompt everytime I wanted to read {whiting}. This is nice though. So easy for me.. so peaceful for you. Who were all those readers that were unidentified?

Patrick&Kera said...

how do you change it to private and can people who don't have blogs (like my mom) see it?

k. said...

Kelli, I got a whole slew of people- mostly friends of friends of friends, etc: A 45-year old woman with 4 kids at home; a tax lawyer in Chicago; cousins of friends. You name it. I think I got a dozen or so emails from people I did not know, requesting to continue to read...

Kera- it's really easy. You just go into "settings" and then "permissions". You can switch your settings so that only people you select can read your blog. You send them an email invite, and they create an account if they do not have one. So- your mom could definitely read it still.

Melissa said...

That is nice! I think we are heading this direction too with our blog. Ever since I got that comment from "Roro" its really weirded me out. I will let you know when we go private. :)

Unknown said...

so did you say NO to the tax lawyer, mother of 4 and cousins of cousins?

Missy said...

That's what I'm wondering! A dozen emails from randoms? Did you say no and not add them to the list??

Bryan, Mary, Abby & Lorin said...

Private sounds great, but then again ... I'm afraid I would lock too many people out at the moment. It's hard enough for some of the people we know to just log on. So, for now, I have to keep it public. But, you taking your blog private is an inspiration and something to aspire to.

Lindsey said...

Like I said, I feel like part of a really cool club now! I'm curious what you said to the requests too...

aSHleY said...

After hearing stories from Heidi and reading of your tales of creepy lurkers I think it is best you went private. I am just going to be ignorant and pretend I do not have any readers.

k. said...

I added a couple based on references (Ashley :) ), and others I just didn't respond to. I'm under no obligation to share my personal life with people I don't know, right? I'm not feeling any guilt over it... And I really am convinced that this the way to go. I really, really like knowing who is out there (and knowing that someone I don't especially like/know is aware of what I ate for lunch, how I'm feeling, what my weekend plans are, etc).