Aug 31, 2007


I felt like a runner this morning. I went at 5:30am, before the sun was even awake. It was early, & it was dark, but it was good. Some days I have really difficult runs, but today was a lovely exception. My 5 miles were easy. They were fun, & comfortable. By mile 2 the endorphins kicked in, and I felt great. Our gym overlooks the east river and 2 bridges. The lights were beautiful and it was so peaceful to watch the sun rise. I felt good.

It was also helpful to give my iPod a rest and borrow Mike's. Let's just say that his music is a bit more up-tempo than mine. :)
{note: these are my new shoes I just ordered. They are like running on clouds. Can't wait.}


Patrick&Kera said...

Go Kathryn!! I'm so proud! This marathon is going to be a breeze for you! On days like today its hard to get the motivation to go. (cold, gloomy, completely fog trapped) Probably because I bring Haidyn along and I don't like the thought of her freezing. On days that are nice (yesterday) I don't think there is a prettier place than running along the marina with the golden gate bridge sillouette (sp?) in the back ground.

Heidi said...

Running is a mystery to me, my body despises it. However you make it sound to peaceful. Way to go on the early run.

Lindsey said...

Yes, you make me want to be a runner! I'm so impressed with your 5miles too. Have you always been a runner or is this something you picked up in NYC?

k. said...

Lindsey, I am only a pretend runner. Meaning, I run frequently, but I have to work at it really hard (some people are just born RUNNERS- don't know if that makes any sense). I've always ran occasionally, just to stay in somewhat decent shape, but since I'm doing a half marathon with my sisters this fall, it's becoming a little more regular. :)

Missy said...

It's my favorite going so early - I miss it - even though I still go early (7:30 am), something is different going while the sun rises. Congrats.