Aug 7, 2007

Tuesday's Postcard from Dad

The Tour is over and I have no idea who won. It was a non-event without Lance Armstrong wearing the yellow jersey. I do know that drugs were flowing freely. What ever happened to endorphins - the drug of choice and champions?


Jan said...

I kin't recon' dis. ah' totally dought yo' entry regardin' de tour, wid de real erudite comment about drugs, and da damn witty reference t'de body's natural ho'monal secreshuns t'produce some "High" would elicit numerous comments. DAD Phil

Jan said...

I wanna snatch dis oppo'tunity t'disclaim any connecshun t'dese crazy messages dat gots been appearin' on blogs recently. Slap mah fro! ah' have no idea where dey is comin' fum and ah' dink it be embarrassin' dat dey is in any way associated wid me, mah' clunker, o' mah' dought processes. ah' rarely, if ever, stoop t'such honkyfoolishness, as ah' consida' myself t'be real serious in nature (similar t'Ross Miller, actually). So's pleae igno'e any furda' communicashuns dat may mosey on down dat link mah' dojigger t'dis ridiculous text. Man! DAD

Mike said...

Man, Phil's on a tear tonight.

Missy said...

It was sad...we used to always watch it and since Lance it gone, we really didn't even though we knew it was going on.

k. said...

Dad, you are too funny. :) I was trying to read your comments while I was running this morning (I was looking at my blackberry while I was on the treadmill), and I could barely understand what you were saying! :) Glad to see you learned how to comment!

Missy, my dad has been obsessed with the Tour for years... it's sad to see it all go to pot.

Heidi said...

My parents and still watch it avidly, my mom wrote a really great post on it this year (on her blog). We were in Lake Powell during the final week so I heard all about it.

Once I was in Paris and I was able to see Lance Armstrong cross the finish line- it was a great moment in my life.